reactjs - 无法通过可访问的名称找到警报

标签 reactjs react-testing-library react-final-form final-form testing-library


If we select Canada from the country dropdown, show error messages on blur for the province and postal code fields if they are blank.

我正在测试的 React Final Form 是:

  validate={values => {
    const errors: ValidationErrors = {};

    if (! { = "Country must be selected";

    if ( === "Canada" && !values.province) {
      errors.province = "Province must be provided";

    if ( === "Canada" && !values.postalCode) {
      errors.postalCode = "Postal code must be provided";
    return errors;
  }) => (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        <label htmlFor="country">Country</label>
        <br />
        <Field<string> id="country" name="country" component="select">
          <option />
          <option value="Canada">Canada</option>
          <option value="US">US</option>

      <Condition when="country" is="Canada">
          <label htmlFor="province">Province</label>
          <br />
          <Field id="province" name="province" component="input" />
          <Error name="province" />
          <label htmlFor="postalCode">Postal Code</label>
          <br />
          <Field id="postalCode" name="postalCode" component="input" />
          <Error name="postalCode" />


describe("Contact form", () => {
test("should show errors if Canada is seledted but province and postal code are blank", async () => {
const { getByLabelText, findByRole } = render(<ContactForm />);

fireEvent.change(getByLabelText("Country"), {
  target: { value: "Canada" }

fireEvent.change(getByLabelText("Province"), {
  target: { value: "" }

fireEvent.change(getByLabelText("Postal Code"), {
  target: { value: "" }

fireEvent.blur(getByLabelText("Postal Code"));

const postalAlert = await findByRole("alert", {
  name: "Postal code must be provided"

const provinceAlert = await findByRole("alert", {
  name: "Province must be provided"

我正在尝试触发错误消息 - 用 role="alert" 渲染出来 - 但我的测试失败了:Unable to find role="alert"

现在,如果我删除试图过滤的 name 属性,则会找到 alert:

const postalAlert = await findByRole("alert"); // SUCCESS

我可以使用 findAllByRole 检索警报并遍历它们,但我真的只想使用它们的可访问名称明确查询每个警报并断言它们在文档中。


      style="color: rgb(153, 0, 0);"
      Postal code must be provided




好像span没有将文本内容应用为可访问的名称,你可以使用aria-label为其设置可访问的名称,more information here

export const Error = (props: Props) => {
  const {
    meta: { touched, error }
  } = useField(, { subscription: { touched: true, error: true } });
  return touched && error ? (
    // add aria-label to set accessiable name for span
    <span aria-label={error} role="alert" style={{ color: "#900" }}>
  ) : null;


import * as React from "react";
import { render, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react";
import { ContactForm } from "./ContactForm";

describe("Contact form", () => {
  test("should show errors if Canada is seledted but province and postal code are blank", async () => {
    const { getByLabelText, findByRole } = render(<ContactForm />);

    fireEvent.change(getByLabelText("Country"), {
      target: { value: "Canada" }

    fireEvent.change(getByLabelText("Province"), {
      target: { value: "" }

    fireEvent.change(getByLabelText("Postal Code"), {
      target: { value: "" }

    // you only blur "Postal Code"
    fireEvent.blur(getByLabelText("Postal Code"));

    const postalAlert = await findByRole("alert", {
      name: "Postal code must be provided"
    // This will not shown because you have not called blur Province
    // comment this or add the line below to pass the test
    // fireEvent.blur(getByLabelText("Province"));
    const provinceAlert = await findByRole("alert", {
      name: "Province must be provided"

Edit react-ts-unit-test-example

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