git - 我怎样才能找到冗长的提交消息?

标签 git


ran updated format rules


changed fetch of base64 images

Changed the way we return base64 images when fetching for content because when we clear out the deleted image form s3 and update the content with a empty key it causes an exception trying fetch base64 images with an invalid key.

This is because the actual database delete happens after we have returned response to MSC. Ideally we could move the delete to project theseus and then no longer do the db call on the MSC side. For now this should work.

我如何从 git 日志中检索此类提交的列表?


git rev-list --all | git cat-file --batch-check | sort -nk3


git rev-list --all | git cat-file --batch-check \
| awk '$3 > 300 {print $1}' | git log --no-walk --stdin

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