rust - 将临时 git 依赖项修补到特定版本

标签 rust dependency-management rust-cargo

我依赖于 crates ab,我将 b 修补为对 ref 的 git 依赖 foo:

# Cargo.toml of my crate
a = "1.0.0"
b = "1.0.0"

b = { git = "", rev = "foo" }

a 也依赖于 b 作为 git 依赖项,但不依赖于特定的 ref:

# Cargo.toml of a
b = { git = "" }

我想强制 a 像我一样对 b 使用相同的 ref,我想我可以这样做:

# The ideal Cargo.toml of my crate
a = "1.0.0"
b = "1.0.0"

# patch local dependency
b = { git = "", rev = "foo" }

# patch transient dependency
b = { git = "", rev = "foo" }

但这不起作用,因为我正在修补的源仍然指向相同的源,只是在不同的 rev 中:

error: failed to resolve patches for ``

Caused by:
  patch for `b` in `` points to the same source, but patches must point to different sources
[Finished running. Exit status: 101]

到目前为止,我的解决方法是 fork b 并像这样打补丁:

# Cargo.toml of my crate using a work around
a = "1.0.0"
b = "1.0.0"

b = { git = "", rev = "foo" } # Using my fork

b = { git = "", rev = "foo" } # Using my fork

这行得通,但 fork 基本上没用。有更好的方法吗?

我试过了 this hack , 但它也不起作用,因为它只是忽略了 rev。整个 GitHub 问题让我看起来目前不支持我正在尝试的东西,但很难说,因为它不是完全相同的功能。


根据 this GitHub issue ,目前不支持此功能,因为 git 依赖项专门通过 URL 进行区分,而不是修订。某些 URL 被视为相同,例如 .git ending always being stripped ,但 cargo 仍然只是比较 URL 而没有其他。
然而,我们可以利用这个“特性”来发挥我们的优势:添加 ?ref=foo到 URL 的末尾将使它看起来像一个新的来源:

# Fixed Cargo.toml
a = "1.0.0"
b = "1.0.0"

# patch local dependency
b = { git = "" }

# patch transient dependency
b = { git = "" }

小心在两个 补丁中使用 URL hack,否则你会创建一个损坏的 Cargo.lock有两个 b 的定义:

# Corrupt Cargo.toml
a = "1.0.0"
b = "1.0.0"

# patch local dependency
b = { git = "", rev = "foo" } # mistake!

# patch transient dependency
b = { git = "" }

虽然我没有测试它,但这种方法原则上也应该通过附加 /tree/<branch> 来处理分支上的补丁。到 URL。

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