bluetooth-lowenergy - 一个外设可以连接到多个中心吗?

标签 bluetooth-lowenergy

来自 this book它说

A peripheral can be connected to multiple centrals.

任何 BLE 模块都可以做到这一点吗?更具体的可以bluegiga 112做吗?如果不是,可以作为外围设备连接到多个设备的 BLE 模块是什么?


Once the connection is established, the peripheral stops advertising and the two devices can begin exchanging data in both directions



Tim Tisdall 是正确的。该解决方案适用于规范 4.1,但不适用于 4.0。正如您上面提到的,您无法与不可发现的设备建立连接,并且由于它在连接建立后停止广播,因此不可能将外围设备连接到多个中央设备。

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