amazon-web-services - 你能克隆 AWS lambda 吗?

标签 amazon-web-services aws-lambda

针对不同环境的克隆。暂存/QA/PROD/DEV 等

是否有一种快速简便的方法来克隆我的 lambda、提供不同的名称并从那里调整配置?


您需要在新账户中重新创建 Lambda 函数。转到 lambda 函数,单击 Action 并导出您的函数。

Download a deployment package (your code and libraries), and/or an AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) file that defines your function, its events sources, and permissions.

You or others who you share this file with can use AWS CloudFormation to deploy and manage a similar serverless application. Learn more about how to deploy a serverless application with AWS CloudFormation.

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