python - 属性错误 : 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'username'

标签 python bots telegram coroutine telethon


所以我从 github 下载了这段名为 Telegram 自动回复的代码并运行了它,但随后出现了这个错误:

"C:\Users\user\Downloads\Compressed\telegram-auto-reply-master\", line 36, in handle_new_message
    me = await client.get_me().username
AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'username'

here is the screenshot

这是 代码:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A simple script to print some messages.
import time
import re
import json
import random
import os
from asyncio import sleep
from pprint import pprint

from telethon import TelegramClient, events, utils
from dotenv import load_dotenv

load_dotenv() # get .env variable

session = os.environ.get('TG_SESSION', 'printer')
api_id = os.getenv("API_ID")
api_hash = os.getenv("API_HASH")
debug_mode = os.getenv("DEBUG_MODE").upper() == "TRUE"

proxy = None  #

# Create and start the client so we can make requests (we don't here)
client = TelegramClient(session, api_id, api_hash, proxy=proxy).start()

# create a sender list to check if user already send private message or mention
senderList = [] 

#read json file and prepare quiz to send later
with open('quizzes.json') as json_file:
    quizzes = json.load(json_file)

async def handle_new_message(event):
    me = await client.get_me().username
    from_ = await event.client.get_entity(event.from_id)  # this lookup will be cached by telethon
    to_ = await event.client.get_entity(event.message.to_id)

    needToProceed = from_.is_self if debug_mode else not from_.is_self and (event.is_private or"@"+me.username,event.raw_text))
    if needToProceed:  # only auto-reply to private chats:  # only auto-reply to private chats   
        if not and event:  # don't auto-reply to bots
            print(time.asctime(), '-', event.message)  # optionally log time and message
            await sleep(1)  # pause for 1 second to rate-limit automatic replies   
            message = ""
            if senderList.count( < 2:
                message =   f"""**AUTO REPLY**
                \nHi @{from_.username},
                \n\nMohon maaf boss saya sedang offline, mohon tunggu sebentar.
                \nSilahkan lihat-lihat [imacakes]( dulu untuk cuci mata.
                \n\n**AUTO REPLY**"""
            elif senderList.count( < 3:
                message =   f"""**AUTO REPLY**
                \nMohon bersabar @{from_.username}, boss saya masih offline 😒"""
            elif senderList.count( < 4:
                message = f"""**AUTO REPLY** 
                \n@{from_.username} Tolong bersabar yaa 😅"""
                random_number = random.randint(0,len(quizzes) - 1)
                question = quizzes[random_number]['question']
                answer = quizzes[random_number]['answer']
                message = f"""**AUTO REPLY**
                \n @{from_.username}, Main tebak-tebakan aja yuk 😁
                \n {question}
                \n {answer}
                \n """
            if message != "":
                await event.reply(message)


我真的不知道出了什么问题,因为我是新手,对编码知之甚少,所以如果有人愿意帮助我,我真的很感激 :)

感谢任何人帮助我 :)


我认为问题出在 me = await client.get_me().username 上。

根据Telethon Quick-Start , client.get_me() 是一个 awaitable .这意味着要获得返回值,您必须 await 它,如 await client.get_met()。在此之前,client.get_me() 的结果是 coroutine .因此 await client.get_me().username 不起作用,因为当您尝试访问 username 属性时 client.get_me() 仍然是协程。


me = await client.get_me()
username = me.username

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