unity3d - Unity 是否具有在 Screen.height 或 Screen.width 更改时触发的内置函数?

标签 unity3d user-interface resize window-resize autoresize

我为 Unity 内置的移动应用程序构建了一些自定义 UI 缩放功能,以补偿各种手机屏幕比例。我还希望防止屏幕尺寸发生变化,因为随着可折叠手机的兴起,我认为这是一种风险。


public class ScreenElementSizer : MonoBehaviour {

    private int screenWidth_1 = Screen.width;
    private int screenHeight_1 = Screen.height;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start() {

    // Resizing functions here
    private void ScreenResized() {

    // On every screen refresh
    void Update()
        if ((Screen.width != screenWidth_1) || (Screen.height != screenHeight_1)) {
            screenWidth_1 = Screen.width;
            screenHeight_1 = Screen.height;

如您所见,这是一个非常简单的解决方案,我将之前示例的 Screen.widthScreen.height 存储在变量中 (screenWidth_1 & screenHeight_1),然后在每个样本上比较它们(更新),如果存在差异(屏幕变化)则触发调整脚本。

当然可以。我认为这是非常标准的编码逻辑。对于每个对象每个样本运行一个/两个额外的 if 语句可能并不昂贵。

我是 Unity 的新手,想知道是否有更好的、内置的或更有效的方法来完成这项任务。

明确地说,我知道基于宽度和高度缩放的内置 Canvas 大小调整器工具。我特别指的是当屏幕尺寸发生变化时,您想像这样应用一些基于特殊脚本的调整大小逻辑的情况。




DeviceChange.cs -

using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class DeviceChange : MonoBehaviour 
    public static event Action<Vector2> OnResolutionChange;
    public static event Action<DeviceOrientation> OnOrientationChange;
    public static float CheckDelay = 0.5f; // How long to wait until we check again.
    static Vector2 resolution;                    // Current Resolution
    static DeviceOrientation orientation;        // Current Device Orientation
    static bool isAlive = true;                    // Keep this script running?
    void Start() {
    IEnumerator CheckForChange(){
        resolution = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
        orientation = Input.deviceOrientation;
        while (isAlive) {
            // Check for a Resolution Change
            if (resolution.x != Screen.width || resolution.y != Screen.height ) {
                resolution = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
                if (OnResolutionChange != null) OnResolutionChange(resolution);
            // Check for an Orientation Change
            switch (Input.deviceOrientation) {
                case DeviceOrientation.Unknown:            // Ignore
                case DeviceOrientation.FaceUp:            // Ignore
                case DeviceOrientation.FaceDown:        // Ignore
                    if (orientation != Input.deviceOrientation) {
                        orientation = Input.deviceOrientation;
                        if (OnOrientationChange != null) OnOrientationChange(orientation);
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(CheckDelay);
    void OnDestroy(){
        isAlive = false;


DeviceChange.OnOrientationChange += MyOrientationChangeCode;
DeviceChange.OnResolutionChange += MyResolutionChangeCode;
DeviceChange.OnResolutionChange += MyOtherResolutionChangeCode;
void MyOrientationChangeCode(DeviceOrientation orientation) 
void MyResolutionChangeCode(Vector2 resolution) 

信用 - DougMcFarlane

关于unity3d - Unity 是否具有在 Screen.height 或 Screen.width 更改时触发的内置函数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69753218/


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