assembly - 如何使用 nasm/gcc 将 att 语法 .asm 文件编译为 linux 上的可执行文件

标签 assembly nasm att

我有一些只想编译的 asm 代码。我查看了堆栈上的一些示例,它们总是会产生错误。


        .string "Hello World!\n"

.globl main
        movl $4, %eax
        movl $1, %ebx
        movl $hello, %ecx
        movl $13, %edx
        int $0x80

        movl $1, %eax
        movl $0, %ebx
        int $0x80


nasm -f elf hello.asm


hello.asm:1: warning: label alone on a line without a colon might be in error [-w+label-orphan]
hello.asm:3: error: parser: instruction expected
hello.asm:5: warning: label alone on a line without a colon might be in error [-w+label-orphan]
hello.asm:6: error: parser: instruction expected
hello.asm:8: error: parser: instruction expected
hello.asm:9: error: parser: instruction expected
hello.asm:10: error: parser: instruction expected
hello.asm:11: error: parser: instruction expected
hello.asm:12: error: expression syntax error
hello.asm:14: error: parser: instruction expected
hello.asm:15: error: parser: instruction expected
hello.asm:16: error: expression syntax error


您的示例是针对 GNU 汇编程序的,而不是针对 NASM 的。要组装它,请在将文件重命名为 hello.s 后键入 cc -m32 -o hello hello.s

NASM 语法中的相同示例是

        section .data
hello:  db      "Hello World!", 10, 0

        section .text
        global  main
main:   mov     eax, 4
        mov     ebx, 1
        mov     ecx, hello
        mov     edx, 13
        int     0x80

        mov     eax, 1
        mov     ebx, 0
        int     0x80

要组装和链接这个 NASM 示例,请键入

nasm -felf32 hello.asm
cc -m32 -o hello hello.o

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