javascript - 你如何让2个独立的div轮流停留在页面顶部

标签 javascript html css

我想在滚动页面时在顶部制作 2 个 div 粘性标题

FIRST DIV 只会一段时间,直到 SECOND DIV 出现在屏幕上的特定点。

SECOND DIV 向上滚动时,到达页面的一半(例如)FIRST DIV 不再是粘性,得到被推开,然后被 SECOND DIV 替换为顶部的下一个粘性元素

我设法用我的 CSS 使第一个 div 保持在顶部,但不知道如何处理 second div

.body {
  margin: 0;

h3 {
  background-color: #E9BDF5;
  width: 100%;

.firstDiv {
  text-align: center;
  background-color: yellow;
  width: 100%;
  height: 70px;
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;

.secondDiv {
  text-align: center;
  background-color: yellow;
  width: 100%;
  height: 60px;
<h3>These text don't stick</h3>
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and

<div class="firstDiv">
  <h2>First Div - Becomes sticky (temporarily)</h2>

<h3>These text don't stick</h3>

  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top

<div class="secondDiv">
  <h2>Second Div - Becomes the sticky header</h2>

<h3>These text don't stick</h3>

  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top



诀窍是使用包装 div 作为 position: sticky;


html {
  font-size: 150%;

.secondDiv {
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;
  background-color: white;
<h3>These text don't stick</h3>
  This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
  This paragraph will scroll up and

  <div class="firstDiv">
    <h2>First Div - Becomes sticky (temporarily)</h2>

  <h3>These text don't stick</h3>

    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top

  <div class="secondDiv">
    <h2>Second Div - Becomes the sticky header</h2>

  <h3>These text don't stick</h3>

    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top
    This paragraph will scroll up and will not stick at the top

关于javascript - 你如何让2个独立的div轮流停留在页面顶部,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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