c# - 不确定为什么 Regex.Replace() 在使用包含正则表达式模式(涉及捕获组)的字典时不起作用

标签 c# regex dictionary regex-group

所以我正在尝试编写一种使用正则表达式将“100¢”替换为“100 美分”的方法。我使用的模式是 (\d+)(¢)。最重要的是,我还试图替换其他东西,所以我需要一个字典数据结构来保存所有这些正则表达式模式作为键,以及我想要替换它们的值作为字典值。


        var replacementsMap = new Dictionary<string, string>()
            {@"(\d+)(¢)", "$1 cents"}

字典中会有更多内容,但为了简单起见,我将只添加一个模式值对。 我正在使用反向引用来让第一个捕获组在其后带有“cents”而不是符号。

例如:5¢ -> 5 美分


        string input = "100¢";
        Console.WriteLine(input); //showing original input

        var regex = new Regex(String.Join("|",replacementsMap.Keys));

        var newStr = regex.Replace(input, m => replacementsMap[m.Value]);
        Console.WriteLine(newStr); //showing new input


Unhandled exception. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key '100¢' was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at Program.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<Main>b__0(Match m) in Program.cs:line 79
   at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.<>c.<Replace>b__99_0(ValueTuple`5& state, Match match)
   at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.RunAllMatchesWithCallback[TState](String inputString, ReadOnlySpan`1 inputSpan, Int32 startat, TState& state, MatchCallback`1 callback, RegexRunnerMode mode, Boolean reuseMatchObject)
   at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.RunAllMatchesWithCallback[TState](String input, Int32 startat, TState& state, MatchCallback`1 callback, RegexRunnerMode mode, Boolean reuseMatchObject)   
   at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(MatchEvaluator evaluator, Regex regex, String input, Int32 count, Int32 startat)
   at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(String input, MatchEvaluator evaluator)
   at Program.Main() in Program.cs:line 79






string input = "I have 5$ and 4€ and 6¢";

// Use a List instead of Dictionary so we can retrieve the entries by index
List<(string pattern, string replacement)> replacementInstructions = new List<(string pattern, string replacement)> {
    (@"(\d+)(¢)", "$1 cents"),
    (@"(\d+)(€)", "$1 euros"),
    (@"(\d+)(\$)", "$1 dollars"),

// Create combined pattern with auto-named groups
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

for(int i=0; i < replacementInstructions.Count; i++)
    if(i > 0) builder.Append("|");

    var (pattern, _) = replacementInstructions[i];

    string groupName = "GN" + i;
    builder.Append("(?<" + groupName + ">" + pattern + ")");

string combinedPattern = builder.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Combined Pattern: " + combinedPattern);

// Declare callback that will do the replacement
MatchEvaluator evaluator = (Match match) =>
    // Get named group that matched and its name
    Group group = (from Group g in match.Groups
                   where g.Success &&
                   select g).First();
    string groupName = group.Name;

    // Get number from groupname 
    // and then entry from replacementInstructions based on number
    string numberString = groupName.Substring(2);
    int number = int.Parse(numberString);
    var (pattern, replacement) = replacementInstructions[number];

    // Apply replacement pattern on match
    return Regex.Replace(match.Value, pattern, replacement);

// Replace
string result = Regex.Replace(input, combinedPattern, evaluator);

Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result);


Combined Pattern: (?<GN0>(\d+)(¢))|(?<GN1>(\d+)(€))|(?<GN2>(\d+)(\$))
Result: I have 5 dollars and 4 euros and 6 cents

关于c# - 不确定为什么 Regex.Replace() 在使用包含正则表达式模式(涉及捕获组)的字典时不起作用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74737476/


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