arrays - Fortran 将数组传递给函数

标签 arrays function fortran

我正在尝试将未知长度的数组传递给函数。我也希望 a 的索引与 b 相同。这可能吗?



 function RealCumSum(i) result(j)
    real, dimension(1:), intent(in)  :: i ! input
    real, dimension(size(i)) :: j ! output
    integer :: m

    do m = 1,size(i)
        j(m) = sum(i(1:m))
    end do

 end function RealCumSum

 program xfunc
    implicit none
    real, dimension(2) :: a = (/ 3.2 , 2.5 /)
    real, dimension(2) :: b, RealCumSum

    b = RealCumSum(a)

    write(*,*) "cumulative sum of ",a," is ", b
 end program xfunc


假定的形状数组参数 (dimension(:)) 需要一个显式接口(interface)。最好通过将过程放在模块中来完成。其他选项是使过程成为内部过程(使用 contains)或提供 interface block 。

module m
 implicit none
 function RealCumSum(i) result(j)
    real, dimension(1:), intent(in)  :: i ! input
    real, dimension(size(i)) :: j ! output
    integer :: m

    do m = 1,size(i)
        j(m) = sum(i(1:m))
    end do

 end function RealCumSum
end module

 program xfunc
    use m

    implicit none
    real, dimension(2) :: a = (/ 3.2 , 2.5 /)
    real, dimension(2) :: b, RealCumSum

    b = RealCumSum(a)

    write(*,*) "cumulative sum of ",a," is ", b
 end program xfunc

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