intellij-idea - 为什么 IntelliJ 中的 SBT 可以通过 Internet 访问 Maven,尽管我为它配置了本地 Nexus?

标签 intellij-idea sbt

我的 build.sbt 中有以下存储库

resolvers ++= Seq(
    "Maven Central" at "",
    "Typesafe Repository" at "",
    "Atlassian Releases" at "",
    "scalaz-bintray" at "",
    "Sonatype Releases" at ""

但是当我运行我的 Play 项目时,IntelliJ Idea 仍然通过 Internet 访问 Maven 存储库。当超时时,它似乎会到达本地存储库。

我如何配置它以首先访问本地 Nexus 存储库?


您应该如下更改 SBT 设置以使用自定义存储库


create a local file with name as "repositories" and with content in the below format (modify URL pattern to match yours)

my-ivy-proxy-releases:,[organization]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/artifact.[ext] my-maven-proxy-releases:

然后,使用下面的配置 -Dsbt.repository.config= .... rest of the parameters


Go to settings (Ctrl + Alt + S) -> Other Settings -> SBT -> Add the above parameters to existing VM parameters

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