F# - 在 curried 函数参数上设置类型注释

标签 f#

let actionOne value =
    sprintf "action one %s" (value.Substring(1))

let actionTwo (value:string) =
    sprintf "action two: %s" (value.Substring(1))

let one = actionOne "one"
let two = actionTwo("two")

如何维护 Curried form并在 actionOne 函数上添加类型注释value:string

MS 文档显示此示例以比较“元组形式”和“柯里化(Currying)形式”:

// Tuple form.
member this.SomeMethod(param1, param2) = ...
// Curried form.
let function1 param1 param2 = ...

我的代码无法编译,因为 value 需要一个 type 注释(因为它与 .Substring() 一起使用)。
我可以添加类型注释,但这会使 ActionOne 签名与 ActionTwo 相同。

如何更改 ActionOne 函数(添加类型注释)并避免更改调用,即:保留没有括号


正如我和 Bui 的评论所建议的那样,actionOneactionTwo 都是柯里化(Currying)形式。但是因为只有一个参数,所以柯里化(Currying)形式和非柯里化(Currying)形式之间没有区别:另一种说法是参数是一个元组,最基本的元组。



/// curried form
let f x y = printfn "%A, %A" x y
/// tupled argument
let f (x, y) = printfn "%A, %A" x y

/// curried form with type annotations
let f (x: string) (y: string) = printfn "%A, %A" x y
/// tupled argument with type annotations
let f (x: string, y: string) = printfn "%A, %A" x y

/// curried form with type annotations and return type spec
let f (x: string) (y: string): unit = printfn "%A, %A" x y
/// tupled argument with type annotations and return type spec
let f (x: string, y: string): unit = printfn "%A, %A" x y

当我们在 FSI 中一一粘贴这些行时,您可以看到签名更改(最后两行除外,因为返回类型已经被推断为 unit):

> let f x y = printfn "%A, %A" x y;;
val f : x:'a -> y:'b -> unit

> let f (x, y) = printfn "%A, %A" x y;;
val f : x:'a * y:'b -> unit

> let f (x: string) (y: string) = printfn "%A, %A" x y;;
val f : x:string -> y:string -> unit

> let f (x: string, y: string) = printfn "%A, %A" x y;;
val f : x:string * y:string -> unit

> let f (x: string) (y: string): unit = printfn "%A, %A" x y;;
val f : x:string -> y:string -> unit

> let f (x: string, y: string): unit = printfn "%A, %A" x y;;
val f : x:string * y:string -> unit


// let type inference do the work for you:
> let f x = printfn "%A, %A" (fst x) (snd x);;
val f : 'a * 'b -> unit

// with specific type
> let f (x: string * string) = printfn "%A, %A" (fst x) (snd x);;
val f : string * string -> unit


I can add the type annotation, but that makes ActionOne signature identical to ActionTwo. This change FORCE me to use the parenthesis when I want to use it:

parens 的使用似乎有些困惑。 MS 文档给出的示例建议“没有括号意味着没有元组”。这并不完全正确:

// no parens, curried
let f a b = a + b
let x = f 42 43

// with parens, this is identical and still curried
let f (a) (b) = a + b
let x = f (42) (43)

// with parens in other places, still identical, except for the type
let f (a) (b) = (a: int64) + (b: int64)
let x = f (42L: int64) (43L)

MS 文档显示括号的原因是您不能编写 f x, y = x + y。在这种情况下,您必须使用括号。在 F# 的几乎所有情况下,这都与具有最高优先级的空格字符有关。逗号最低。因此,您必须给出括号以告诉编译器您希望参数被元组化:f (x, y) = x + y

在单参数函数的情况下,您需要带有类型注释的括号,否则您将指定返回类型。所以 f x: int = x + 12 是指定返回类型的函数,而 f (x: int) = x + 12 是指定返回类型的函数参数类型x

关于F# - 在 curried 函数参数上设置类型注释,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62245513/


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