javascript - platform.js 还是 api.js?谷歌API

标签 javascript web-applications google-api google-api-js-client

试图了解我应该如何为静态页面网络应用程序引用 google api。我很困惑。

  1. 我不确定完整的文档在哪里,因为我已经在这个存储库中偶然发现了一些损坏的链接
  2. 这些教程引用了 2 个不同的 url,但似乎与此相关 repository

<script src="" async defer></script>

<script async defer src=""
      onreadystatechange="if (this.readyState === 'complete') this.onload()">

有什么区别?应该使用什么网址?有关系吗? 是否应该使用节点客户端而不是 Web 来编译它?


sergentj 评论

The functionality in platform.js is a superset of the functionality in api.js. The documentation for those APIs is correct. If you are using both the sheets APIs and the sign-in API, platform.js will suffice, you needn't load both. You are correct that this is poorly documented, and we're aware that's a problem. Closing this since it is not going to be useful to track work on improving documentation (which is a much larger issue) here.

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