typescript - 如何键入 MongoDB 投影结果

标签 typescript mongodb


interface User {
    _id?: ObjectId
    username: string
    foo: number

当我查询它时,我希望结果是 UserView 类型

interface UserView {
    _id: ObjectId
    username: string


class UserRepository {
    private collection: Collection<User>
    constructor(db: Db) {
        this.collection = db.collection<User>('User')

    public async getUserById(id: ObjectId): Promise<UserView | null> {
        // Result has type User
        const result = await this.collection
            .findOne({ _id: ${ eq: id } }, { projection: { _id: 1, username: 1 })


this.collection = db.collection<User>('User')
this.viewCollection = db.collection<UserView>('User')


    public async getUserById(id: ObjectId): Promise<UserView | null> {
        // Result has type Document
        const result = await this.collection
            .findOne({ _id: ${ eq: id } }, { projection: { _id: 1, username: 1 })
        if (result) return result as Userview
        return null

在带有投影的 MongoDB 查询中正确输入的最佳方法是什么?


首先,您不需要为您可能使用的每个投影组合创建自定义类型。而不是声明 UserView您可以使用内置的 Pick 实用程序类型:Pick<User,'_id'|'username'> .

然后至于用户投影本身的类型安全检索,而不是使用 as 的更容易出错的类型转换,您可以通过类型参数推断和 keyof 充分利用泛型运算符(operator)达到这样的目的:

public async getUserById<Field extends keyof User>(
    id: mongodb.ObjectId,
    fields: Field[]
): Promise<Pick<User, Field> | null> {   
    const projection: mongodb.FindOptions['projection'] = {};
    fields.forEach((field) => { projection[field] = 1; });
    const result = await this.db.collection<User>('users').findOne(
      { _id: id },
      { projection }
    return result;

// Usage:
const user = await this.getUserById('myId', ['_id', 'username']);
console.log(user); // user is fully type-safe with only the _id and username fields


我迭代地达到了以前的解决方案,你可以看到我在 getUserById 的各个版本上的进步下面的方法,如果你想更好地理解它可能会有用:

import * as mongodb from 'mongodb';

interface User {
  _id: string,
  username: string,
  foo: string

export default abstract class Test {

  private static db: mongodb.Db;

  public static async init() {
    const client = new mongodb.MongoClient('YOUR_MONGO_URL');
    await client.connect();
    this.db = client.db();

  public static async test() {
    const user: User = { _id: 'myId', username: 'chris', foo: 'bar' };

    // Iteration 1: Using hardcoded union type and projection (not reusable)
    const user1 = await this.getUserById1('myId');

    // Iteration 2: Using hardcoded projection (not reusable)
    const user2 = await this.getUserById2<'_id' | 'username'>('myId');

    // Interation 3: Using dynamic union type and projection, but duplicated (not ideal) 
    const user3 = await this.getUserById3<'_id' | 'username'>('myId', ['_id', 'username']);

    // Iteration 4: Using dynamic projection with generic type argument inference, the best solution!
    const user4 = await this.getUserById4('myId', ['_id', 'username']);

  // Iteration 1: Using hardcoded union type and projection (not reusable)
  public static async getUserById1(
    id: string
  ): Promise<Pick<User, '_id' | 'username'> | null> {
    const result = await this.db.collection<User>('users').findOne(
      { _id: id },
      { projection: { _id: true, username: true } }
    return result;

  // Iteration 2: Using hardcoded projection (not reusable)
  public static async getUserById2<Field extends keyof User>(
    id: string
  ): Promise<Pick<User, Field> | null> {
    const result = await this.db.collection<User>('users').findOne(
      { _id: id },
      { projection: { _id: true, username: true } }
    return result;

  // Interation 3: Using dynamic union type and projection, but duplicated (not ideal) 
  public static async getUserById3<Field extends keyof User>(
    id: string,
    fields: (keyof User)[]
  ): Promise<Pick<User, Field> | null> {   
    const projection: mongodb.FindOptions['projection'] = {};
    fields.forEach((field) => { projection[field] = true; });
    const result = await this.db.collection<User>('users').findOne(
      { _id: id },
      { projection }
    return result;

  // Iteration 4: Using dynamic projection with generic type argument inference, the best solution!
  public static async getUserById4<Field extends keyof User>(
    id: string,
    fields: Field[]
  ): Promise<Pick<User, Field> | null> {   
    const projection: mongodb.FindOptions['projection'] = {};
    fields.forEach((field) => { projection[field] = true; });
    const result = await this.db.collection<User>('users').findOne(
      { _id: id },
      { projection }
    return result;


关于typescript - 如何键入 MongoDB 投影结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69865961/


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