ruby-on-rails - 谷歌验证码错误 : The provided cloud project number does not own the given recaptcha key

标签 ruby-on-rails google-cloud-platform recaptcha-v3 recaptcha-enterprise

我正在尝试在我的 Rails 项目中使用 google ReCaptcha enterprise,但出现此错误:

{"error"=>{"code"=>403, "message"=>"The provided cloud project number does not own the given recaptcha key", "status"=>"PERMISSION_DENIED"}}


  • 我的项目ID,我是从ID栏下的项目列表中得到的
  • reCAPTCHA key (站点 key )和在 reCAPTCHA Enterprise 面板中创建的域
  • 已创建 API key here .应用程序限制:无,API 限制:reCAPTCHA Enterprise API



        token: response_token,
        siteKey: site_key,
        userIpAddress: domain


正如 OP 在评论部分确认的那样,问题的根本原因是错误的 enterprise key

You're right, I was using the v3 site key on the client-side, which means the response_token was wrong. I forgot to update the client-side by enterprise key. thanks man, it works now

错误 The provided cloud project number does not own the given recaptcha key 表示与 key 不匹配。当 OP 更新 client-side key 时,它开始工作。

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