spring-boot - 如何在 jOOQ 中两次加入同一张表?

标签 spring-boot kotlin jooq

我有一个与另一个表有一对一关系的表,但是有两个表,src 和 dst,如何加入它对吗?我做了类似的事情,但不确定这是最佳做法:

 val route = tbl.`as`("route")
 val srcPlace = Tables.PLACE.`as`("srcPlace")
 val dstPlace = Tables.PLACE.`as`("dstPlace")

 val records = dsl
        .fetch {
            val r = it.into(route).into(RouteEntity::class.java)
            val sP = it.into(srcPlace).into(PlaceEntity::class.java)
            val dP = it.into(dstPlace).into(PlateEntity::class.java)
            r.srcPlace = sP
            r.dstPlace = dP



最简单的方法(从 jOOQ 3.17 和 the ability of projecting table expressions as SelectField 开始)是只投影表本身,例如:

dsl.select(route, srcPlace, dstPlace)
   . // query
   .fetch {
       val (r, sP, dP) = it
       // ...

在您的特定情况下,您甚至可以使用 implicit joins 进一步简化事情

// Assuming you named your foreign keys "src" and "dst"
dsl.select(route, route.src, route.dst)
   .fetch {
       val (r, sP, dP) = it
       // ...

甚至,没有 it 解构:

// Assuming you named your foreign keys "src" and "dst"
dsl.select(route, route.src, route.dst)
   .fetch { (r, sP, dP) ->
       // ...

关于spring-boot - 如何在 jOOQ 中两次加入同一张表?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72812509/


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