php - Stripe API 如何更新客户电子邮件?

标签 php stripe-payments

我很难让 Stripe API 更新客户电子邮件。当用户登录时,有一个表单可以更新他们的电子邮件地址。电子邮件地址已在我的数据库表中更新,但我无法获取 Stripe API 来更新客户。


if (isset($customerid)) {
        try {
            $cu = \Stripe\Customer::update(
                    'email' => $_SESSION['email'],

            $output = "<p>Success!</p>";
        } catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $e) {

            // Use the variable $error to save any errors
            // To be displayed to the customer later in the page
            $body = $e->getJsonBody();
            $err = $body['error'];
            $error = $err['message'];

            $output = "Error: $error";
        // Add additional error handling here as needed

$customerid 来 self 的数据库,错误例程是从我的卡片更新代码中粘贴的。

这是来自日志的请求 POST 正文:

  "email": {
    "0": ""

脚本运行时出现 fatal error :

Fatal error: Uncaught Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest: Invalid string: {:"0"=>""}


  "error": {
    "message": "Invalid string: {:"0"=>""}",
    "param": "email",
    "type": "invalid_request_error"


按照 Marcin 的说法,PHP 代码应该是这样的吗?显然我是一个新手。

if (isset($customerid)) {
        try {
            $cu = \Stripe\Customer::update(
                    "email": "",

            $output = "<p>Success!</p>";
        } catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $e) {

            // Use the variable $error to save any errors
            // To be displayed to the customer later in the page
            $body = $e->getJsonBody();
            $err = $body['error'];
            $error = $err['message'];

            $output = "Error: $error";
        // Add additional error handling here as needed

我最初的做法是根据 API 引用并尝试模仿他们的示例:


    'metadata' => ['order_id' => '6735'],


这里的错误信息很容易解释。您传递 JSON 对象,然后将其转换为字符串 {:"0"=>""}。这不是有效的电子邮件语法,因此您会看到错误。您必须只传递电子邮件地址:

  "email": ""

完全一样 documented :

email optional

Customer’s email address. It’s displayed alongside the customer in your dashboard and can be useful for searching and tracking. This may be up to 512 characters. This can be unset by updating the value to null and then saving.

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