javascript - Typeor find with and & or where block

标签 javascript typescript typeorm

我正在尝试在 typeorm 中构建以下查询。

SELECT * from Department where
type = 'Employee' and
((from_date BETWEEN '2013-01-03'AND '2013-01-09') OR 
(to_date BETWEEN '2013-01-03' AND '2013-01-09') OR 
(from_date <= '2013-01-03' AND to_date >= '2013-01-09'))

下面是我的 typeorm 等价物。

connection.find(Department, {
      where: [
        { fromDate: Between(filter.fromDate, filter.toDate) },
        { toDate: Between(filter.fromDate, filter.toDate) },
          fromDate: LessThanOrEqual(filter.fromDate),
          toDate: MoreThanOrEqual(filter.toDate),
      andWhere: { type: 'Employee' },

但不知何故我得到了错误的输出数量。好像 andWhere 不起作用。 提前致谢


let qb = this.repository.createQueryBuilder("department");

qb.where("department.type= :type", {type: "Employee"});
qb.andWhere("((department.from_date BETWEEN '2013-01-03'AND '2013-01-09') OR 
(department.to_date BETWEEN '2013-01-03' AND '2013-01-09') OR 
(department.from_date <= '2013-01-03' AND department.to_date >= '2013-01-09'))");

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