python - 使用 numpy 拟合多项式随 dtype 变化,即使实际数据值保持不变

标签 python numpy polynomials non-linear-regression

我有一个由 xdataydata 组成的数据集,我想对其进行多项式拟合,但由于某种原因,拟合结果取决于 dtype 数据集,即使数据的实际值保持不变。我知道如果你改变 dtype 例如从 floatint,可能会丢失一些信息,但在这种情况下,我正在从 'f4' 转换为 'f8',因此没有信息丢失,这就是我不知所措的原因。这是怎么回事?

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import polynomial

x32 = np.array([
    1892.8972, 1893.1168, 1893.1626, 1893.4313, 1893.4929, 1895.6392,
    1895.7642, 1896.4286, 1896.5693, 1897.313,  1898.4648
], dtype='f4')

y32 = np.array([
    510.83655, 489.91592, 486.4508,  469.21814, 465.7902,  388.65576,
    385.37637, 369.07236, 365.8301,  349.7118,  327.4062
], dtype='f4')

x64 = x32.astype('f8')
y64 = y32.astype('f8')

a, residuals1, _, _, _ = np.polyfit(x32, y32, 2, full=True)
b, residuals2, _, _, _ = np.polyfit(x64, y64, 2, full=True)

c, (residuals3, _, _, _) = polynomial.polyfit(x32, y32, 2, full=True)
d, (residuals4, _, _, _) = polynomial.polyfit(x64, y64, 2, full=True)

print(residuals1, residuals2, residuals3, residuals4)  # [] [195.86309188] [] [195.86309157]
print(a)        # [ 3.54575804e+00 -1.34738721e+04  1.28004924e+07]
print(b)        # [-8.70836523e-03  7.50419309e-02  3.15525483e+04]
print(c[::-1])  # [ 3.54575804e+00 -1.34738721e+04  1.28004924e+07]
print(d[::-1])  # [-8.7083541e-03   7.5099051e-02   3.1552398e+04 ]



这种不同的行为是由于 polynomial 中的 rcond 造成的,这是依赖于精度的:

    rcond : float, optional
        Relative condition number of the fit. Singular values smaller than
        this relative to the largest singular value will be ignored. The
        default value is len(x)*eps, where eps is the relative precision of
        the float type, about 2e-16 in most cases.


    # set rcond
    if rcond is None:
        rcond = len(x)*finfo(x.dtype).eps

为 32 位示例将 rcond 设置为一个适当较小的值将产生与 64 位示例相同的结果(例如 rcond=1e-7 或更小)。

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