python - 提取访问多个(纬度,经度)的 ID 的最大距离

标签 python pandas geolocation distance geopandas


<表类="s-表"> <头> 用户 <日>纬度 经 <正文> u1 x1 y1 u1 x2 y2 u1 x3 y3 u2 x4 y4 u2 x5 y5 u2 x6 y6 u3 x7 y7 u3 x8 y8

我想做的是有一个表格,其中每个用户我有他们去过的最远的 2 个点之间的距离。

<表类="s-表"> <头> 用户 max_dist_km <正文> u1 15.2 u2 23.7 u3 8.3






  • 美国城市数据集(30、409 条记录):0.103 秒
  • 动物追踪数据集(89,867 条记录):0.325 秒
  • 在 10 年以上的 Windows 桌面上的时间(i7 920 CPU @ 2.67GHz)


具有线性复杂度,即 O(N)

  • N 是纬度/经度的总数(即计算所有用户)


  1. 按用户分组经纬度数据
  2. 为每个用户重复步骤 3-7
  3. 使用球形地球近似将纬度/经度点映射到 x、y、z 坐标
  4. 找到最远的两个点如下:
    • 将P1初始化为点的质心
    • 重复以下 3 次(一次通常就够了,但多次处理特殊情况):
      • 设 P0 = P1
      • 设置 P1 = 距离 P0 最大距离的点
    • P0和P1是x,y,z中最远的两个点
  5. 使用 P0 和 P1 的索引从原始纬度/日志数据中查找纬度/经度
  6. 使用 Haversine 计算 P0 和 P1 之间的距离
  7. 使用当前用户的距离更新结果
  8. 以数据框的形式返回所有用户的结果


import numpy as np

def lat_lon_to_xyz(lat, lon):
        Convert latitude/longitude to x, y, z in Earth centered coordinates (assuming spherical earth)
        lat, lon are in degrees radian
    lat_radians = np.deg2rad(lat)
    lon_radians = np.deg2rad(lon)
    R = 1  # use unit sphere rather than 6371 radius of earth in km 
    x = R * np.cos(lat_radians) * np.cos(lon_radians)
    y = R * np.cos(lat_radians) * np.sin(lon_radians)
    z = R *np.sin(lat_radians)
    return np.array([x, y, z])
def furthest_points_spadsman(points):
        Based upon the following technique which scales linearly with the number of points
        - Initialize P1 to the center of mass of the points
        - Repeat the following 3 times (once is normally enough but multiple times handles corner cases):
          - Set P0 = P1
          - Set P1 = the point in points with maximum distance from P0
          - P0 and P1 are the furthest two points in x, y, z
        Technique from following reference.
    # Initialize to mean
    p_1 = np.mean(points, axis = 0)
    for _ in range(3): # Iterating mitigates corner cases
        p_0 = p_1
        # Point in points furthest distance from p_0
        # note: can use squared distance since monotonical
        p_1 = points[np.argmax(np.sum(np.square(points - p_0), axis = -1))]
    return p_0, p_1

def haversine(point1, point2):
        Data in point1 and point2 are latitude/longitude pairs, 
        with first number is the latitude (north-south), 
        and the second number is the longitude (east-west)
    R = 6371  # Earth radius in km
    point1 = np.deg2rad(point1)
    point2 = np.deg2rad(point2)
    delta = point2 - point1
    a = (np.sin(delta[0] / 2) ** 2 + 
         np.cos(point1[0]) * np.cos(point2[0]) * np.sin(delta[1] / 2) ** 2)
    return 2 * R * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a))
def process(df, user = 'user', lat_field ='lat', lon_field = 'lon'):
        Generates the Dataframe containing the maximum distance by user of a set of points
        The process works as following steps.
        1.  Group latitude/longitude data by user
        2.  Repeat steps 3-7 for each user
        3.  Map latitudes/longitudes points to x, y, z coordinates using spherical earth approximation)
        4.  Find two furthest points as follows:
            i. calculate the center of mass M of the points
            ii. find the point P0 that has the maximum distance to M
            iii. find the point P1 that has the maximum distance to P0
            iv. P0 and P1 are the furthest two points in x, y, z
        5. Use indexes of P0 & P1 to lookup latitude/longitude from original lat/log data
        6. Calcualte distance between P0 & P1 using Haversine
        7. Update results
        8. Return results as a dataframe
         Process based upon following references:
    results = []                              # holds list of tuples of (user, distance)
    for user_, g in df.groupby(user):            # Step 1--Group latitude/longitude data by user
        # Step 2--Repeat steps 2-4 for each user
        points_lat_lon = g[[lat_field, lon_field]].to_numpy()

        # Step 3--map latitudes/longitudes points to x, y, z coordinates
        points_xyz = lat_lon_to_xyz(points_lat_lon[:, 0], points_lat_lon[:, 1]).transpose()

        # Step 4--Find two furthest points
        # Find two furthest points in xyz (using spherical earth aproximation)
        p_0, p_1 = furthest_points_spadsman(points_xyz)
        # Step 5--Use indexes of P0 & P1 to lookup latitude/longitude from original lat/log data
        # Index of p_0 and p_1 in points_xyz (so we also corresponds to the index in points_lat_lon)
        index_0 = np.where( == p_0, axis = -1))[0][0]
        index_1 = np.where( == p_1, axis = -1))[0][0]

        lat_lon_0 = points_lat_lon[index_0, :]
        lat_lon_1 = points_lat_lon[index_1, :]
        # Step 6--Calcualte distance between P0 & P1 using Haversine
        distance = haversine(lat_lon_0, lat_lon_1)
        # Step 7--update results
        results.append((user_, distance))
    # Step 8--Return results as a dataframe
    return pd.DataFrame(results, columns = [user, 'Max_Distance_km'])


测试 1



  • 作为用户使用状态id
  • 总计 30、409 条记录(每个城市和州多条记录)
  • 每条记录包括状态id、纬度、经度
  • 30、409 条记录的处理时间:在 10 年以上的 Windows 桌面(i7 920 CPU @ 2.67GHz)上为 0.104 秒


  • 从该站点下载:simplemaps
  • 每个州包含许多城市
  • 使用州 ID 作为用户(即按州找到城市之间的最大距离)


from time import time
import pandas as pd

# CSV file downloadable from
# Datafile with 30, 409 records
cities = pd.read_csv('simplemaps_uscities_basicv1.75/uscities.csv')

t0 = time()
result = process(cities, user = 'state_id', lat_field = 'lat', lon_field = 'lng')
print(f'Processing time: {time()-t0:.3f} seconds')


Processing time: 0.104 seconds
   state_id  Max_Distance_km
0        AK      3586.855864
1        AL       569.292071
2        AR       492.544129
3        AZ       712.434590
4        CA      1321.284443
5        CO       697.572158
6        CT       182.286421
7        DC         0.000000
8        DE       156.778146
9        FL       936.595405
10       GA       589.700716
11       HI       574.129490
12       IA       538.297210
13       ID       825.044994
14       IL       622.014829
15       IN       496.787181
16       KS       682.563079
17       KY       633.576282
18       LA       601.891459
19       MA       301.815349
20       MD       397.753918
21       ME       509.556000
22       MI       743.578849
23       MN       751.324104
24       MO       707.260076
25       MS       534.872877
26       MT       961.640222
27       NC       778.308918
28       ND       582.080515
29       NE       763.370612
30       NH       249.275265
31       NJ       259.273945
32       NM       747.581138
33       NV       807.834661
34       NY       641.785757
35       OH       471.708115
36       OK       826.431505
37       OR       649.340103
38       PA       508.693319
39       PR       205.710138
40       RI        81.539958
41       SC       435.894534
42       SD       688.135798
43       TN       751.286457
44       TX      1240.972424
45       UT       611.262766
46       VA       729.361836
47       VT       285.877877
48       WA       616.073484
49       WI       570.813035
50       WV       441.834382
51       WY       682.873519




  • 126 个不同的动物标签(例如用户)
  • 89、867条数据记录
  • 在 0.325 秒内处理完毕


  • Movebank 是由马克斯普朗克动物行为研究所托管的动物追踪数据在线数据库。
  • 使用了来自 Kaggle 的 Movebank 数据集。
  • Data Source


from time import time
import pandas as pd

# Data downloaded from above kaggle link
df = pd.read_csv('migration_original.csv/migration_original.csv')

t0 = time()
result = process(df, user = 'individual-local-identifier', lat_field = 'location-lat', lon_field = 'location-long')
print(f'Processing time: {time()-t0:.3f} seconds')


Processing time: 0.325 seconds
    individual-local-identifier  Max_Distance_km
0                        91732A      7073.629785
1                        91733A        65.788571
2                        91734A      3446.277830
3                        91735A       231.789762
4                        91737A      5484.820693
..                          ...              ...
121                      91920A      2535.920902
122                      91921A        26.698255
123                      91924A        14.518173
124                      91929A         0.806871
125                      91930A        10.427890

[126 rows x 2 columns]



  • 感谢@MangoNrFiv,他的意见有助于改进实现和测试。

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