dependency-injection - 如何在 NestJS 中使用文字类型作为服务构造函数参数

标签 dependency-injection service nestjs


export type MyType = 'val1' | 'val2';

export class MyService {
  myType: MyType;
  constructor(private appService: AppService, private myType: MyType = 'val2') {
    this.myType = myType;


Nest can't resolve dependencies of the MyService (AppService, ?). Please make sure that the argument String at index [1] is available in the AppModule context.

Potential solutions:
- If String is a provider, is it part of the current AppModule?
- If String is exported from a separate @Module, is that module imported within AppModule?
    imports: [ /* the Module containing String */ ]


那是我的 AppModule:

  imports: [HttpModule],
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: [AppService, MyService, HttpClient],
export class AppModule {}


使用 NestJS,您需要通过 providers 提供构造函数参数。 Nest 通常使用 classes 来了解要使用的注入(inject) token ,因为类在 Typescript 和 JavaScript 中都存在。但是,您可以将 @Inject() 装饰器与您自己的注入(inject) token 和自定义值一起使用,以确保 Nest 正确注入(inject)该值。这看起来像这样:

  providers: [
      provide: 'MyToken', // this can be a symbol or a string
      useValue: 'val2',
export class AppModule {}
export type MyType = 'val1' | 'val2';
export class MyService {

    private appService: AppService,
    // this token MUST match exactly to the one in the `provide` property of the custom provider
    @Inject('MyToken') private myType: MyType
  ) {}


另一种选择是将 myType 标记为 @Optional() 这将允许 Nest 在无法解析的情况下绕过注入(inject),然后您仍然可以轻松地使用默认值和以前一样的值(value)

关于dependency-injection - 如何在 NestJS 中使用文字类型作为服务构造函数参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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