变异操作的 GraphQL 顺序

标签 graphql graphql-mutation


  • 异步
  • 从上到下同步
  • 同步随机顺序
  • 其他


mutation MyMutation(...) {
  update_my_table_1(...) { }

  delete_my_table_2(...) { }

  insert_my_table_2(...) { }


来自spec :

If the operation is a mutation, the result of the operation is the result of executing the mutation’s top level selection set on the mutation root object type. This selection set should be executed serially.

It is expected that the top level fields in a mutation operation perform side‐effects on the underlying data system. Serial execution of the provided mutations ensures against race conditions during these side‐effects.

根突变类型的字段总是按顺序解析。任何其他 类型(如查询根类型或任何“嵌套”类型)的订单字段都是 left up to the implementation ,尽管在大多数(如果不是全部)实现中,这意味着字段是并行解析的。

所以在上面的例子中,insert_my_table_2要到delete_my_table_2才会执行,delete_my_table_2要到才会执行update_my_table_1 是。

关于变异操作的 GraphQL 顺序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62432519/


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