google-app-engine - 为什么 5 年后我的 Java appengine 应用程序上有 "500 Server Error"而没有任何问题?

标签 google-app-engine google-cloud-platform

5 年前,我使用 Java 应用引擎创建了这个网站 ( )。它使用一些数据存储文件。


但是昨天,我在访问我的网站时看到这个错误“500 服务器错误”。

Error: Server Error The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds.


enter image description here



但此错误将在 24 小时后重置。已经超过 24 小时了,但我仍然遇到这个问题。



Add your payment information by January 31, 2021, to continue using your App Engine standard applications. Hi Hung,

On November 30, 2019, the App Engine standard environment began using Cloud Build during deployments. Cloud Build, along with all Google Cloud products, requires a valid form of payment. At that time, we asked you to link your App Engine projects to a billing account with a valid form of payment to continue deploying to your projects.

Starting January 31, 2021, all App Engine projects must be linked to a billing account with a valid form of payment to continue running. App Engine apps that are not linked to a billing account with a valid form of payment by January 31, 2021, will be shut down. Running instances will be terminated and no new instances will be able to start until a payment method is added to the project.

This change does not impact existing App Engine Free Tiers. If your usage remains within the free tier quota, you will not incur App Engine charges. However, any usage above the free tier quotas will result in charges. Before this change, if you exceeded the free tier usage, your app stopped running until the daily quota reset.

What do I need to know? Requiring a payment method helps prevent fraud and abuse, and aligns App Engine with the rest of Google Cloud. This allows us to spend more time delivering new features and providing support to you as your business grows on App Engine.

Projects using App Engine Flex or the following App Engine Standard runtimes have always required a valid form of payment and are not impacted by this change:

Python 3 Java 11 PHP 7 Go 1.11/1.12+ Ruby NodeJS What do I need to do? To avoid disruption, follow the instructions to create a new Cloud Billing account (if you don’t have one) and enable billing on your App Engine projects.

If you rely on Free Tier as a cost control mechanism, we recommend you consider the following alternatives to manage your App Engine costs:

Set the max_instances setting to 1 in app.yaml, to reduce the risk of exceeding the Free Tier. This setting limits your app’s scaling ability, but isn’t a hard limit, and may allow excess usage that may increase your bill. Set a Cloud budget alert to notify you when you are close to exceeding your budget. Manually disable your app. However, this only prevents charges related to actively running your app, such as instance hours, networking, etc. You will continue to be billed for fixed costs like Cloud Storage capacity while your app is disabled. Programmatically disable your app to limit further costs once a certain budget threshold is met.


根据该电子邮件和 Google Cloud's App Engine documentation ,您需要添加付款方式,即使您只使用免费套餐也是如此。

“虽然您必须为您的帐户提供付款方式,但 App Engine 免费层没有改变也不会消失。”

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