google-bigquery - 大查询字符串中的新行

标签 google-bigquery



Import Jobs: Daily limit: 1,000 import jobs per table per day (including failures), 10,000 import jobs per project per day (including failures)
Maximum size per import job: 1TB uncompressed
Maximum number of files per import job: 500


字符串中的换行符是指 CSV 字段值中嵌入的换行符。这使得并行导入变得困难。

例如:2 行,第一行嵌入换行符:

1,2,"this is my
1,2,"another string",4,5

BigQuery 导入器具有“--noallow_quoted_newlines”选项,表示该文件不包含任何嵌入的换行符。

# --noallow_quoted_newlines:
#   Do not allow quoted newlines in the data.  This allows BigQuery to parallelize the load.

Individual JSON and CSV files without newlines in string fields may be as large as 100GB, and CSV files that contain newlines within strings must be 4GB or less.

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