python - 装饰器可以修改包装函数的函数签名中的类型提示吗?

标签 python python-3.x


def insert_user(user: User, db: Connection) -> None:

def add_role_to_user(user: User, role: str, db: Connection) -> None:

def create_post(post: Post, owner: User, db: Connection) -> None:

# etc.

这些函数的共同点是它们采用名为 dbConnection 参数,用于修改数据库。出于性能原因,我希望函数能够在彼此之间传递 db 参数,而不是每次都创建一个新连接。但是,出于方便的原因,我也不想每次自己调用函数时都必须创建和传递 db 参数。


def provide_db(fn):


def insert_user(user: User, db: Connection) -> None:


但是,为了正确键入它,装饰器需要修改包装函数的函数签名,将 db 参数从 Connection 更改为 Optional [连接]

目前使用 Python 的类型提示是否可行?如果是这样,它是如何完成的?

这是 provide_db 函数:

def provide_db(fn):
    """Decorator that defaults the db argument to a new connection

    This pattern allows callers to not have to worry about passing a db
    parameter, but also allows functions to pass db connections to each other to
    avoid the overhead of creating unnecessary connections.

    if not "db" in fn.__code__.co_varnames:
        raise ValueError("Wrapped function doesn't accept a db argument")

    db_arg_index = fn.__code__.co_varnames.index("db")

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> Result:
        if len(args) > db_arg_index and args[db_arg_index] is not None:
            pass  # db was passed as a positional argument
        elif "db" in kwargs and kwargs["db"] is not None:
            pass  # db was passed as a keyword argument
            kwargs["db"] = connect()

        return fn(*args, **kwargs)

    wrapper.__annotations__ = Optional[fn.__annotations__["db"]]

    return wrapper


函数注释在 the datamodel 中记录为可写在PEP 526 .


from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional

def provide_db(func):
    func.__annotations__["db"] = Optional[func.__annotations__["db"]]
    return func

def f(db: Connection):


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