python - 将数据帧转换为快速文本数据格式

标签 python pandas fasttext

我想将数据帧转换为 fasttext 格式


text                                                             label 
Fan bake vs bake                                                 baking
What's the purpose of a bread box?                               storage-method
Michelin Three Star Restaurant; but if the chef is not there     restaurant


__label__baking Fan bake vs bake
__label__storage-method What's the purpose of a bread box?
__label__restaurant Michelin Three Star Restaurant; but if the chef is not there

我尝试了 df['label'].apply(lambda x: '__label__' + x).add_suffix(df['text']) 但它没有像我预期的那样工作。我应该如何更改我的代码?



'__label__'+df['label']+' '+df['text']

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