ios - 错误 ITMS-90165 : "Invalid Provisioning Profile Signature."

标签 ios xcode flutter publish testflight


错误 ITMS-90165:“配置文件签名无效。包含在 bundle “”(有效负载/中的配置文件不能用于将应用程序提交到 iOS App Store,直到它具有 Apple 的有效签名。有关详细信息,请访问 iOS 开发人员门户。”

我在尝试添加我的应用程序以供审核时遇到此错误。 我该如何处理?到昨天一切都还好


  1. 转到证书、标识符和配置文件
  2. 打开个人资料, 按右上角的编辑, 按保存而不做任何更改
  3. 删除 ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles 文件夹(如果找不到请按 (command+shift+'.'),因为这是隐藏文件夹)
  4. 重启xcode


引自 James Ide(世博会):

Two Apple certificates used to sign your provisioning profiles expired today. When you try to submit your app for review you'll get an ITMS-90165 error. Fix is to get a new provisioning profile.

The provisioning profile is signed by a chain of three certificates. openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -text -in embedded.mobileprovision -inform der These are different from your code signing certificate. The root CA in the chain is fine but the two children expired April 12, 2022.


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