sql - Oracle SQL Loader - 如何不显示 "Commit point reached - logical record count"计数

标签 sql oracle loader sql-loader

我正在家里通过 vpn 上的 Oracle SQL Loader 加载大文件,它们需要很多时间。当我从工作中加载它们时,它们的加载速度要快得多。我正在加载的文件已经在我的工作服务器上。

所以我的想法是减速是因为为每一行打印的“达到提交点 - 逻辑记录数”。由于它们必须通过网络发送,因此必须很慢。我用谷歌搜索但找不到任何方法来减少它们的打印量。尝试添加 rows=5000 作为参数,但我仍然得到每一行的打印。

如何打印更少的“已达到的提交点 - 逻辑记录计数”计数?



您可以使用options clause 中提供的关键字silent .您可以设置following things保持沉默:

  • HEADER - Suppresses the SQL*Loader header messages that normally appear on the screen. Header messages still appear in the log file.
  • FEEDBACK - Suppresses the "commit point reached" feedback messages that normally appear on the screen.
  • ERRORS - Suppresses the data error messages in the log file that occur when a record generates an Oracle error that causes it to be
    written to the bad file. A count of rejected records still appears.
  • DISCARDS - Suppresses the messages in the log file for each record written to the discard file.
  • PARTITIONS - Disables writing the per-partition statistics to the log file during a direct load of a partitioned table.
  • ALL - Implements all of the suppression values: HEADER, FEEDBACK, ERRORS, DISCARDS, and PARTITIONS.

你会想要抑制 feedback


sqlldr schema/pw@db silent=(feedback, header)


options (bindsize=100000, silent=(feedback, errors) )

关于sql - Oracle SQL Loader - 如何不显示 "Commit point reached - logical record count"计数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11902476/


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