ios - 我可以在 Document Provider 扩展上使用 Navigation Controller 来模拟文件夹导航吗?

标签 ios objective-c iphone


Apple documentation说:

In either case, the host app presents a document picker view controller. The system then imbeds your Document Picker View Controller extension inside the app’s view controller. The app’s view controller provides a navigation bar with the document provider’s name, a location switcher, and a Done button. Your extension must provide the rest of the user interface.


The UIDocumentPickerExtensionViewController object acts as the root view controller for your user interface; therefore, it is often convenient to make it a container controller. You can then create a separate child view controllers for each mode, and your extension simply presents the appropriate child view controller in your prepareForPresentationInMode: method.

有没有办法使用主导航 Controller 来推送自定义 View Controller 并模拟 iCloud 文档提供程序扩展的相同行为?


你不能,如果你放置你的导航 Controller ,你会看到两个导航栏——你的和系统。系统导航栏是私有(private)的,您无权访问。目前,您还不能制作像 iCloud 这样的文档提供程序扩展。

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