
标签 sql sql-server tsql duplicates


select * from (
select a.* ,count (*) over (partition by a.ID) as tot
from HREMP a 
) tt
where tt.tot >1

它返回 423 行,


  select * from (
select a.* ,count (*) over (partition by a.ID) as tot
from HREMP a 
) tt
where tt.tot =1

返回 685 条记录

I found that there are 196 distinct records among the 423 duplicate Now, How to select the first record from duplicate records?


select distinct * 
from ( select a.*, count(*) over (partition by a.ID) as tot
       from HREMP a 
     ) tt
where tt.tot > 1

select * 
from ( select a.*
            , count(*)     over (partition by a.ID) as tot
            , row_number() over (partition by a.ID order by 1) as rn
       from HREMP a 
     ) tt
where tt.tot > 1 
and   tt.rn = 1

关于SQL:如何从重复行中选择第一条记录?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49474997/


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