android - 如何在 firebase Android 中搜索 Child 的值

标签 android firebase firebase-realtime-database

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DatabaseReference databaseReference=mDatabase;
        String queryText="Hotel";

Here I attached the code which I used to get child names of "Coupon" when I entered the "Hotel" query under the Coupon.But I got blank.I supposed to get Hotel1,Hotel2 object.I'm new to firebase.So hope your support .Thanks in advance.


在网络版本中,他们使用称为 ElasticSearch 的东西,您可以尝试在此处阅读更多内容:

但是对于 Android,我认为没有任何功能可以执行这样的搜索。我要做的就是查询所有记录,然后自己过滤它们:

DatabaseReference databaseReference = mDatabase;
mDatabase.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
    for(DataSnapshot val : dataSnapshot.getChildren()){
        //I am not sure what record are you specifically looking for
        //This is if you are getting the Key which is the record ID for your Coupon Object
            //Do what you want with the record

        //This is if your are querying for the hotel child
            //Do what you want with the record
public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {



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