android - launchWhenStarted 和 repeatOnLifecycle(STARTED) 收集流的区别

标签 android kotlin kotlin-flow

As launchWhenStarted and repeatOnLifecycle(STARTED) provide completely different functionality (launchWhenStarted suspends the execution of the coroutine, and repeatOnLifecycle cancels and restarts a new coroutine), if the names of the new APIs were similar (for example, using launchWhenever for the restarting APIs), developers could’ve got confused and even use them interchangeably without noticing.



launchWhenStarted只是一次延迟。repeatOnLifecycle创建一个挂起点,充当处理程序,每次生命周期进入提供状态时运行提供的 block ,并在低于它时取消它(因此对于 STARTED 它在停止时发生)。

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