android - 为什么使用 GlobalScope 需要 @DelicateCoroutinesApi

标签 android android-studio kotlin kotlin-coroutines

我正在使用 Kotlin,现在 android studio 建议我

This is a delicate API and its use requires care. Make sure you fully read and understand documentation of the declaration that is marked as a delicate API.

add @DelicateCoroutinesApi annotation to function
fun getAmount(activity: LoginActivity, user:FirebaseUser){
            addOnSuccessListener { d ->
                 activity.amountGetSuccess( d, user)
 private fun playsound() {

   GlobalScope.launch {
        withTimeout(10L) {
            // play sound
   val  mPlayerPress = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.button_press)
@DelicateCoroutinesApi 的工作是什么


@DelicateCoroutinesApi某些 API 使用需要注释,如果您查看 documentation它指出

Marks declarations in the coroutines that are delicatethey have limited use-case and shall be used with care in general code. Any use of a delicate declaration has to be carefully reviewed to make sure it is properly used and does not create problems like memory and resource leaks. Carefully read documentation of any declaration marked as DelicateCoroutinesApi.

使用 GlobalScope需要这个注解,因为 GlobalScope属于“have limited use-case and shall be used with care”类别'。
这是因为 kotlin 协程遵循 structured concurrency 的原则。这意味着新的协程只能在特定的 CoroutineScope 中启动它限定了协程的生命周期。例如,如果您使用 viewModelScope 启动协程, 那么这个协程会在 ViewModel 被取消被摧毁。
但是 GlobalScope另一方面,创建全局协同程序,它们的生命周期是程序员的责任,如果由于某种原因(网络延迟等)这些全局协同程序无法完成,那么它们会继续运行并消耗系统资源,这种行为 along with other issues , 可能导致内存泄漏,因此 DelicateCoroutinesApi .

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