ffmpeg - 如何将任何 mp4 转换为 adv8dvbt23.ts 文件?

标签 ffmpeg mpeg mpeg2-ts dvb-t

我可以下载http://www.w6rz.net/adv8dvbt23.ts .dvbt sample ts files 的样本很多.

但是,我想转换我的 视频文件 TS文件对于dvbt。

FFmpeg 可以用于这个吗?


FFmpeg can used for this? but, there is no any parmameter for Transmit mode, QAM / 64QAB, guard interval.

正如我所解释的 already :

ffmpeg doesn't know anything about RF things like Constellation type; it is just a tool to transcode between different video formats. .ts is for "transport stream", and it's the video container format that DVB uses. The GNU Radio transmit flowgraphs on the other hand know nothing about video things – all they do is take the bits from a file. So that file needs to be in a format that the receiver would understand, and that's why I instructed you to use FFMPEG with the parameters you need. Since I don't know which bitrate you're planning on transmitting, I can't help you with how to use ffmpeg

因此,您需要生成您的 DVB-T 接收器可以理解的视频数据,但更重要的是,您需要将它们放入确保恒定比特率的容器中。

正如您在 ham.stackexchange.com 关于该主题的问题的不同评论中指出的那样,您的主要示例来源将是 GNU Radio 自己的 gr-dtv 模块;当您查看 gnuradio/gr-dtv/examples/README.dvbt ,您将找到指向 https://github.com/drmpeg/dtv-utils 的链接, W6RZ 自己的工具:)

在那里,您将找到计算 MPEG 传输流所需的确切流比特率所需的工具。请记住,DVB-T 发射器必须以每秒恒定比特率进行传输,因此您的视频容器必须是恒定比特率的。这就是为什么传输流填充视频数据以实现恒定速率的原因。

然后,您将使用 ffmpeg 对视频进行转码并放入传输流容器中:
 ffmpeg -re -i inputvideo.mpeg \
        -vcodec mpeg2video \
        -s 720x576          #resolution; this is a good choice, since most TVs will deal with it \
        -r 25               #frames per second, use 25\
        -flags cgop+ilme -sc_threshold 1000000000 #MPEG codec options\
        -b:v 2M             #Video *codec data* bit rate (defines video quality). Must be lower than stream bit rate, so < muxrate-(audio bitrate)\
        -minrate:v 2M -maxrate:v 2M #enforce constant video bit rate\
        -acodec mp2 -ac 2 -b:a 192k #audio codec, quality and bitrate\
        -muxrate ${RATE FROM TOOL}
        -f mpegts #specify you want a MPEG Transport Stream container as output\

关于ffmpeg - 如何将任何 mp4 转换为 adv8dvbt23.ts 文件?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54843472/


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