android - 嵌入在 html5 中的 mp4 的跨平台语法

标签 android html internet-explorer video ffmpeg

下面的代码在 firefox 中生成正确嵌入的视频,但无法在 internet explorer 中正确显示或在 android .我将所有浏览器设置为自动更新,因此它们始终运行最新版本。

In `internet explorer`, the code below leaves a large blank space where the  
video should be.  The user has to hover over the large blank space before the  
controls become visible.  

In `android`, the code below produces an unusable/unclickable area, and the  
user has to greatly zoom the focus to get the small start button to become  
big enough to click to start the video.  

However, in `firefox`, the code below shows the first frame of the video,  
which you can click to start the video.  


这里是 a link to the video file on a file sharing site .

这里是 ffmeg视频处理代码:
ffmpeg -y -i SourceFile.mp4 -s 1280x720 -c:v libx264 -b 3M -strict -2 -movflags faststart DestFile.mp4

感谢 offbeatmammal让我走到这一步。
这里是 html5在网页浏览器中嵌入视频的代码:
<video width="640" height="480" controls>
    <source src="somefile.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    Your browser does not support the video tag.


Android 浏览器需要一些特殊处理才能支持 MPEG-4/H.264 视频格式:

您还可以将视频元素的 preload 属性设置为“auto”,以便在页面加载后通过 javascript 预加载视频:

document.getElementsByTagName("video").preload = "auto";

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