android - ffmpeg - 强制使用的过滤器

标签 android filter ffmpeg libavcodec libavformat

我正在为 android 编译 ffmpeg。只是想知道配置中哪些过滤器是强制性的。如果有人知道请建议我。


从其中一个 stackoverflow 问题中提取答案,如下所示。

Filters are only significant if you plan on using them. Have a look at what the filters do and then decide for yourself.

If all you do is just watch videos with ffplay then it's likely you won't need them. If you use ffmpeg for things like analog to digital conversion, re-encoding of videos then it's likely you will need them.

关于android - ffmpeg - 强制使用的过滤器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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