python - 可视化 ffmpeg 基准

标签 python matplotlib ffmpeg

我已经生成了基准,用于比较使用 ffmpeg 工具缩小视频文件 (mp4) 的两种方法。


x.mp4 Output_Resolution : 360p

Method : A 

real    0m26.817s
user    1m38.058s
sys     0m0.504s

Method : B, some-parameter-for-B : b1

real    0m26.465s
user    1m42.824s
sys     0m1.111s

Method : B, some-parameter-for-B : b2

real    0m26.236s
user    1m42.194s
sys     0m0.862s

Method : B, some-parameter-for-B : b3

real    0m25.050s
user    1m36.492s
sys     0m0.680s

y.mp4 Output_Resolution : 144p

Method : A 

real    1m9.426s
user    3m38.823s
sys     0m1.353s

Method : B, some-parameter-for-B : b1

real    1m4.956s
user    4m13.764s
sys     0m2.875s

Method : B, some-parameter-for-B : b2

real    1m5.033s
user    4m13.455s
sys     0m2.183s

Method : B, some-parameter-for-B : b3

real    0m25.050s
user    1m36.492s
sys     0m0.680s

我正在为多个视频文件和多个分辨率执行此操作。假设我需要使用下面的条形图对给定分辨率的方法 A 和方法 B 的基准(实时)比较进行可视化:

Sample Bar Chart

如何有效地从日志中获取必要的值并在 python 中使用 matplotlib 绘制它们?




import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
import numpy as np

def gettime(s):
    e = ["".join(x) for _, x in itertools.groupby(s, key=str.isdigit)]
    h = float(e[e.index("h") - 1]) if "h" in e else 0.0
    m = float(e[e.index("m") - 1]) if "m" in e else 0.0
    s = float(''.join(e[e.index("s") - 3:e.index("s")])) if "s" in e else 0.0

    return 3600 * h + 60 * m + s

lines = []
with open("log.txt") as fp:
    lines =

files = []
idx = 0
keys = ["A", "b1", "b2", "b3"]
methods = []
while idx < len(lines):
    if ".mp4" in lines[idx]:
        method = {k : 0.0 for k in keys}
        files.append(lines[idx].split(' ')[0])
        idx += 1
        while idx < len(lines) and ".mp4" not in lines[idx]:
            if "Method" in lines[idx]:
                substrings = list(filter(None, lines[idx].split(' ')))
                if substrings[-1] in keys:
                    while "real" not in lines[idx]:
                        idx += 1
                    method[substrings[-1]] = gettime(lines[idx].split(' ')[-1])
            idx += 1
        idx += 1

data = np.zeros((len(keys), len(files)))
for idx, (d, f) in enumerate(zip(methods, files)):
    data[:,idx] = np.array([d[k] for k in keys]).reshape(data[:,idx].shape)

x = np.arange(len(files))
w = (1.0 / data.shape[0]) * 0.6
names = ["A", "B, b1", "B, b2", "B, b3"]
for i in range(data.shape[0]): - w * i, data[i,:], width=w, label=names[i])

plt.tick_params(bottom = False)
plt.xticks(x - w * (i - 1.5), files)




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