ssl - HEROKU 免费层 SSL : You need to be running on either Hobby or Professional dynos to be able to use SNI SSL

标签 ssl heroku https lets-encrypt certbot

我在 heroku 上免费托管我的网站。所以我必须手动启用 SSL,因为他们的自动化版本只能从 hobby dyno 开始使用。

sudo certbot certonly --manual


sudo heroku certs:add /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /etc/letsencrypt/live/


▸ You need to be running on either Hobby or Professional dynos to be able to use SNI SSL.



绕过 Heroku 的 cert统统。通过合并 cert,我能够保护我的免费关卡登台站点。文件到 Procfile :

web: gunicorn mysite.wsgi --timeout 90 --certfile /certs/fullchain.pem --keyfile /certs/privkey.pem --keep-alive 5 --log-level debug --log-file -
方法应该类似于 nginxapache .只需将其放入您的 Procfile .

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