excel - 保存特定单元格的地址以便以后更改它们

标签 excel vba

我正在使用 Excel VBA 尝试解决以下问题:

在 A 列中,我得到了 42 个国家/地区的列表。在 D 列中,我得到了那个国家的巨无霸的美元价格。第 1 行有标题,因此数据从第 2 行开始。我需要构建一个宏,允许用户输入 2 个国家(国家 1 和国家 2),将遍历 A 列以查找用户输入的国家及其对应的国家价格。它应该将国家的单元格位置保存到某个变量中,而价格只是一个数字。如果 Country1 的价格大于国家 2 的价格,则 Country1 的名称应为绿色,Country2 的字体颜色为红色。反之亦然。

现在,我得到的错误是我的变量 TheCell 的“对象变量或未设置 block 变量”。


Top of the data, with headers

我试着玩弄我把 TheCell 调暗的东西。我试着把它变成一个变种,但这行不通。我很确定 Range 是正确的,因为它是实际的单元格。

Sub CountryComparison()

Dim Counter As Integer
Dim Country1 As String
Dim Country2 As String
Dim TheCell As Range
Dim Price1Cell As Range
Dim Price2Cell As Range
Dim Price1 As Single
Dim Price2 As Single

'The user inputs what countries they want to compare

Country1 = InputBox("Enter Country 1")
Country2 = InputBox("Enter Country 2")

'We are starting at row 2, column 1. Since we're going to check every row, I'm making counter a variable so that I can continuously add 1 to it after every loop.

Counter = 2
TheCell = Cells(Counter, 1)

'Here's my loop. It will select TheCell, and if it contains the name of Country1, then it will save that cell as Price1Cell (to be used later), and save the price of a Big Mac in that country (also to be used later). It does the same thing for Country2. And if neither is a match, it goes on to the next row. Since there are 42 rows, it does this until Counter is greater than 43 (maybe it should be until greater than 42, but that shouldn't matter.)

    If ActiveCell.Value = Country1 Then
    Set Price1Cell = Range(ActiveCell.Address)
    Price1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value
    End If

    If ActiveCell.Value = Country2 Then
    Set Price2Cell = Range(ActiveCell.Address)
    Price2 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value
    End If

    Counter = Counter + 1

Loop Until Counter > 43

'Here's the final point. If Country1's price is greater than Country2's Price, then Country1 should be colored red and Country2 green. And vice-versa.

If Price1 > Price2 Then
    Price1Cell.Font.Color = vbRed
    Price2Cell.Font.Color = vbGreen
End If

If Price2 > Price1 Then
    Price1Cell.Font.Color = vbGreen
    Price2Cell.Font.Color = vbRed
End If

End Sub


当您与 打交道时对象 ,您必须使用 Set初始化它们,如下所示:

Set TheCell = Cells(Counter, 1)

Sub CountryComparison()

    Dim Counter As Integer
    Dim Country1 As String
    Dim Country2 As String
    Dim TheCell As Range
    Dim Price1Cell As Range
    Dim Price2Cell As Range
    Dim Price1 As Single
    Dim Price2 As Single

    'The user inputs what countries they want to compare

    Country1 = InputBox("Enter Country 1")
    Country2 = InputBox("Enter Country 2")

    'We are starting at row 2, column 1. Since we're going to check every row, I'm making counter a variable so that I can continuously add 1 to it after every loop.

    Counter = 2
    Set TheCell = Cells(Counter, 1)

    'Here's my loop. It will select TheCell, and if it contains the name of Country1, then it will save that cell as Price1Cell (to be used later), and save the price of a Big Mac in that country (also to be used later). It does the same thing for Country2. And if neither is a match, it goes on to the next row. Since there are 42 rows, it does this until Counter is greater than 43 (maybe it should be until greater than 42, but that shouldn't matter.)

        If ActiveCell.Value = Country1 Then
        Set Price1Cell = Range(ActiveCell.Address)
        Price1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value
        End If

        If ActiveCell.Value = Country2 Then
        Set Price2Cell = Range(ActiveCell.Address)
        Price2 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value
        End If

        Counter = Counter + 1

    Loop Until Counter > 43

    'Here's the final point. If Country1's price is greater than Country2's Price, then Country1 should be colored red and Country2 green. And vice-versa.

    If Price1 > Price2 Then
        Price1Cell.Font.Color = vbRed
        Price2Cell.Font.Color = vbGreen
    End If

    If Price2 > Price1 Then
        Price1Cell.Font.Color = vbGreen
        Price2Cell.Font.Color = vbRed
    End If

End Sub


关于excel - 保存特定单元格的地址以便以后更改它们,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55306564/


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