excel - VBA - If 语句引用不同工作表中单元格中的特定文本

标签 excel vba


        Dim Rng_1 As Range
        Dim x_sheet As Worksheet
        Dim Value_X

        Value_X = "<>Could not generate report for*"
        Set x_sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("worksheet_name")
        Set Rng_1 = x_sheet.Range("B8")
            If Rng_1.value = Value_X Then
           'run code
        End If
       'It should continue from here if the referenced cell did contain the string.

无论我如何编辑不包含值,或者即使我添加“else if”,运行上面的代码总是会跳过代码。在这一点上,我什至不确定我是否走在正确的轨道上。

Referenced Sheet
enter image description here


Like处理通配符时需要使用比较运算符。 '不匹配'是Not this Like that .您不添加 <>运算符产生“不匹配”。


    Value_X = "Could not generate report for*"  'removed <>
    Set x_sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("worksheet_name")
    Set Rng_1 = x_sheet.Range("B8")
    If Not Rng_1.value Like Value_X Then
       Debug.Print "msg not found"
       'run code
       Debug.Print "msg found"
       'It should continue from here if the referenced cell did contain the string.
    End If

首先,从您的样本数据看来,您还可以测试 IsNumeric(Rng_1.value) .

关于excel - VBA - If 语句引用不同工作表中单元格中的特定文本,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55563340/


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