excel - 查找连续数据所花费的时间

标签 excel vba


我的数据集可能如下所示: (在第一次建议后更新了数据集)

<表类=“s-表”> <标题> 开始时间 结束时间 <正文> 44224,32869 44224,33603 44224,30975 44224,33616 44224,30965 44224,32824 44223,34859 44223,46875 44223,41349 44223,44875

这将使我的总时间为 9000 - 4000,50 - 500(从 5000 到 5500 之间没有工作的时间)= 4499,5

找到最小开始时间和最大结束时间就得到了这个集合的范围,如果下一个开始时间大于最后一个结束时间,我可以从中减去数据(比如在5000到6000之间,减去1000) 。然而,从最后一个数据点来看,这 1000 个减去的时间单位中的 500 个已在总时间中使用。有没有简单的方法可以找到这样一个数据集所花费的总时间?使用 VBA Excel 进行编程。感谢您的宝贵时间!


    For i = 7 to lastRow

            If timeEnd(i) < timeStart(i - 1) Then

                subtractTime = subtractTime + (timeStart(i - 1) - timeEnd(i))

            End If
            If timeStart(i) < firstTime Then

                firstTime = timeStart(i)
            End If
            If timeEnd(i) > lastTime Then
                lastTime = timeEnd(i)
            End If

            totalTimeSpent(i) = lastTime - firstTime - subtractTime

    Next i




间隙和孤岛解决方案实际上是一段非常短的代码 - 大部分是输出。我正在使用quicksort奈杰尔·赫弗南发布

Option Base 1
Option Explicit

Sub GapAndIsland()

    Dim varData As Variant
    Dim minStart As Variant
    Dim maxEnd As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim gap As Variant

    ' Set the array

    varData = Range("f2:g6").Value

    ' *** Modified code to remove bad data ***
    ' Remove elements that are not number or date

    Call RemoveInvalid(varData, lastUsed)

    ' Sort https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4873182/sorting-a-multidimensionnal-array-in-vba

    Call QuickSortArray(varData, 1, lastUsed, 1)

    ' *** end of modified code ***

    ' Initialise
    minStart = varData(1, 1)
    maxEnd = varData(1, 1)
    gap = 0
    ' Loop over rows
    ' *** This line also modified ***

    For i = 1 To lastUsed
    ' If there is a gap, increment total gap length
        If (varData(i, 1)) > maxEnd Then
            gap = gap + varData(i, 1) - maxEnd
        End If
    ' Update latest end time
        If varData(i, 2) > maxEnd Then
            maxEnd = varData(i, 2)
        End If
    Next i
' Output

    Range("I1:j1").Font.Bold = True
    Range("I1:J1").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    Range("j2:j3").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss"
    Range("j4:j6").NumberFormat = "[h]:mm:ss"
    Range("I1").Value = "Measure"
    Range("J1").Value = "Value"
    Range("i2").Value = "Start"
    Range("j2").Value = minStart
    Range("i3").Value = "End"
    Range("j3").Value = maxEnd
    Range("i4").Value = "Duration"
    Range("j4").Value = maxEnd - minStart
    Range("i5").Value = "Gaps"
    Range("j5").Value = gap
    Range("i6").Value = "Net"
    Range("j6").Value = maxEnd - minStart - gap
End Sub


enter image description here

这是一个 UDF 版本,它只返回任务的净时间。

Function TimeOnTask(R As Range) As Variant

    Dim varData As Variant
    Dim minStart As Variant
    Dim maxEnd As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim gap As Variant

    ' Set the array

    varData = R.Value

    '  *** Modified code to remove bad data ***
    ' Remove elements that are not number or date

    Call RemoveInvalid(varData, lastUsed)

    ' Sort https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4873182/sorting-a-multidimensionnal-array-in-vba

    Call QuickSortArray(varData, 1, lastUsed, 1)

    ' *** end of modified code ***

    ' Initialise
    minStart = varData(1, 1)
    maxEnd = varData(1, 1)
    gap = 0
    ' Loop over rows

    ' *** This line also modified ***

    For i = 1 To lastUsed
    ' If there is a gap, increment total gap length
        If (varData(i, 1)) > maxEnd Then
            gap = gap + varData(i, 1) - maxEnd
        End If
    ' Update latest end time
        If varData(i, 2) > maxEnd Then
            maxEnd = varData(i, 2)
        End If
    Next i
    TimeOnTask = maxEnd - minStart - gap
End Function

** 编辑 **


Sub RemoveInvalid(ByRef arr As Variant, ByRef lastUsed As Long)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    j = 0
    For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)

    ' Increment and copy row if valid

        If (IsNumeric(arr(i, 1)) Or IsDate(arr(i, 1))) And Not (IsEmpty(arr(i, 1))) And _
           (IsNumeric(arr(i, 2)) Or IsDate(arr(i, 2))) And Not (IsEmpty(arr(i, 2))) Then
            j = j + 1
            arr(j, 1) = arr(i, 1)
            arr(j, 2) = arr(i, 2)
        End If
    Next i
    lastUsed = j
End Sub


关于excel - 查找连续数据所花费的时间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66693871/


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