iOS:以编程方式在 UITextView 中向上、向下、向左和向右移动光标

标签 ios objective-c position cursor uitextview

我使用以下代码将光标位置移动到距 UITextField 开头的 5 个字符处:

 txtView.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(5, 0);


enter image description here



您可以使用caretRect 方法找到光标的当前“帧”:

if let cursorPosition = answerTextView.selectedTextRange?.start {
    let caretPositionRect = answerTextView.caretRect(for: cursorPosition)


然后向上或向下,我会使用该框架来计算 UITextView 坐标中的估计位置,使用 characterRange(at:)(或者可能是 closestPosition(到 :)),例如向上:

let yMiddle = caretPositionRect.origin.y + (caretPositionRect.height / 2)
let lineHeight = answerTextView.font?.lineHeight ?? caretPositionRect.height // default to caretPositionRect.height
// x does not change
let estimatedUpPoint = CGPoint(x: caretPositionRect.origin.x, y: yMiddle - lineHeight)
if let newSelection = answerTextView.characterRange(at: estimatedUpPoint) {
    // we have a new Range, lets just make sure it is not a selection
    newSelection.end = newSelection.start

    // and set it
    answerTextView.selectedTextRange = newSelection
} else {
    // I guess this happens if we go outside of the textView


所用方法的文档是 here .

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