Excel 2007 : Remove rows by duplicates in column value

标签 excel excel-2007 duplicates


col1    col2
A       Something    
A       Something else   
A       Something more   
A       Something blahblah   
B       Something Fifth   
B       Something xth
C       Som thin
F       Summerthing
F       Boom

我只想要没有重复 col1 的行:例如:
col1    col2
A       Something    
B       Something Fifth   
C       Som thin
F       Boom




To remove duplicate values, use the Remove Duplicates command in the Data Tools group on the Data tab.

关于Excel 2007 : Remove rows by duplicates in column value,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8081306/


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