ios - 如何使 CarPlay 中音频应用程序的行可点击?

标签 ios xcode swift4 carplay

我是 CarPlay 的新手,我知道它类似于 UITableViewController 但略有不同,并且无法使行能够被点击以运行函数/代码。网上关于此的信息不多,没有样本。 Apple 工程师告诉我他们将很快在他们的开发者网站上提供音频应用程序的示例。到目前为止,我的一切都在运行,这就是我所缺少的。我有 Apple 的权利,在 plist 中添加了所需的内容。在实际 CarPlay 设备中一切都显示正常。我有两个带有示例项目的选项卡,一个我需要在点击时运行流媒体实时媒体的功能,另一个到播客列表,需要加载列表并使其可点击以运行功能。


protocol MPPlayableContentDelegate {
    func dataReceived(data: String)

//Check data:       indexPath.count == 2 && indexPath[0] == 0 && indexPath[1] == 0
class CarplayDataSource: NSObject, MPPlayableContentDataSource, MPPlayableContentDelegate {

    let dataStore = NSObject()
    var dataHelper: DataHelper!
    var podcastData = [PodcastObject]()

    var podcastItem = PlayerViewController()

    var delegate: MPPlayableContentDelegate! = nil

    func dataReceived(data: String) {
        delegate?.dataReceived(data:"data received")

    override init() {
        print("CARPLAY: init")
        self.dataReceived(data: "data is now received")

    func numberOfChildItems(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Int {
        print("CARPLAY: number of items")

        if indexPath.indices.count == 0 {
            print("CARPLAY: number of items > indices.count == 0 > return 2")
            return 2
        } else if indexPath.indices.count == 1 {
            print("CARPLAY: number of items > indices.count == 1 > return 1")
            return 1
        return 1

    func contentItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> MPContentItem? {
        print("CARPLAY: contentItem at indexpath")

        let indexCount = indexPath.count
        let tabIndex = indexPath[0]
        if indexCount == 1 {

            if tabIndex == 0 {
                let item = MPContentItem(identifier: "Tab \(tabIndex)")

                item.title = "Radio"
                item.isContainer = true
                item.isPlayable = false
                item.artwork = MPMediaItemArtwork(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "radio-carplay"))
                return item
            } else {

                let item = MPContentItem(identifier: "Tab \(tabIndex)")
                item.title = "Podcasts"
                item.isContainer = true
                item.isPlayable = false
                item.artwork = MPMediaItemArtwork(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "recordings-carplay"))
                return item
        } else if indexCount == 2 {

            if tabIndex == 0 {
                let item = MPContentItem(identifier: "Tab \(tabIndex) Item")
                item.title = "Listen Live" //= "Tab \(tabIndex) Item"
                item.subtitle = "Radio Subtitle!"
                item.isPlayable = true
                item.artwork = MPMediaItemArtwork(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "menulogo"))

                if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
                    item.isStreamingContent = true
                return item
            } else {
                let item = MPContentItem(identifier: "Tab \(tabIndex) Item")
                item.title = "Coming Soon!" //for now since I don't now how to bring the list in
                item.isPlayable = true
                return item

        return nil


    func contentItem(forIdentifier identifier: String, completionHandler: @escaping (MPContentItem?, Error?) -> Swift.Void){




- (void)playableContentManager:(MPPlayableContentManager *)contentManager initiatePlaybackOfContentItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable))completionHandler;

它是 MPPlayableContentDelegate 的一部分。从那里我只是从我的应用程序调用常规播放方法。希望这会有所帮助。

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