vba - 无法将事件添加到 VBA 用户窗体中动态创建的按钮

标签 vba excel

简而言之,我尝试按照此处找到的示例进行操作:How to add events to Controls created at runtime in Excel with VBA但是当我点击我的按钮时,什么也没有发生。



'Finally the delete button
Dim newb As MSForms.CommandButton
'thisQuant is a var keeping track of how many buttons there are
Set newb = FProducts.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "del" & thisQuant, False)
Dim Button As New Class1
Set Button.delButton = newb

Public WithEvents delButton As MSForms.CommandButton

Private Sub delButton_Click()
    MsgBox "test"
    'quantProd = CInt(NewNota.ProductQuant.Caption)
End Sub

我来自 python,VBA 非常困惑。


做这类事情时最常见的错误是忘记将您的 Class1 实例 - 或实例的数组/集合 - 声明为全局(即在模块的顶部,而不是在子或函数中)。


Dim Button As Class1

Sub CreateButton()
    Dim newb As MSForms.CommandButton


    'thisQuant is a var keeping track of how many buttons there are
    Set newb = FProducts.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", "del" & thisQuant, False)

    Set Button = New Class1
    Set Button.delButton = newb


End Sub

关于vba - 无法将事件添加到 VBA 用户窗体中动态创建的按钮,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46125209/


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