excel - 如何从 VBA 函数返回自定义类型

标签 excel vba

我想从 VBA 函数返回自定义类型。当我运行以下代码时,我收到错误“第 16 行错误 - 类型不匹配”。我真的不明白出了什么问题。

Type FullName
    FirstName As String
    LastName As String
End Type

Sub Main 
Dim fullName As FullName
fullName = GetName()

MsgBox fullName.FirstName &" "& fullName.LastName

End Sub

Function GetName() As FullName
    Dim temp As FullName
    temp.FirstName = "John"
    temp.LastName = "Doe"

    Set GetName = temp

End Function



Function GetName() As fullName
    Dim temp As fullName
    temp.FirstName = "John"
    temp.LastName = "Doe"

    With temp
        GetName.FirstName = .FirstName
        GetName.LastName = .LastName
    End With

End Function

但是GetName = temp应该也可以工作

关于excel - 如何从 VBA 函数返回自定义类型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57323491/


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