excel - 在 VBA 函数中传递 Excel 范围,作为数组处理,并返回结果

标签 excel vba

我有一个 Excel 工作表,其中有一列中有一些字符串。有时所有条目都相同,有时则不同:
enter image description here
enter image description here

VBA 函数应确定哪种情况为真(所有条目 = “Al”,或至少一个条目 = “Ag”),然后分别返回 0 或 12:
Function DentWG(WG_Mat As Range) As Single

    Dim dat As Variant, rw As Variant, temp As Single
    dat = WG_Mat
    temp = 0
    For rw = LBound(dat, 1) To UBound(dat, 1)
        If dat(rw, 1) = "Ag" Then
            temp = 12
        End If

    If temp = 12 Then
        DentWG = 12
        DentWG = 0
    End If

End Function
但是,该函数始终返回 0,即使对于“Ag”出现在范围内的第二种情况也是如此。我确定我未能正确地将范围转换为数组或将预期的逻辑正确应用于该数组。



The VBA function should determine which case is true (all entries = "Al", or at least one entry = "Ag"), then return 0 or 12 respectively:

Function DentWG(WG_Mat As Range) As Long 
    Dim ClCount As Long

    ClCount = WG_Mat.Cells.Count

    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(WG_Mat, "Al") = ClCount Then
        DentWG = 0
    ElseIf Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(WG_Mat, "Ag") > 0 Then
        DentWG = 12
    End If
End Function

=IF(COUNTIF(A1:A6,"Al")=(ROWS(A1:A6)*COLUMNS(A1:A6)),0,IF(COUNTIF(A1:A6,"Ag") > 0‌​,12,""))
如果它始终为 1 列,则不需要 *COLUMNS(A1:A6) .这会做。
=IF(COUNTIF(A1:A6,"Al")=ROWS(A1:A6),0,IF(COUNTIF(A1:A6,"Ag") > 0,12,""))

enter image description here

关于excel - 在 VBA 函数中传递 Excel 范围,作为数组处理,并返回结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21663348/


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