image - 如何清除用户窗体中的图像?

标签 image excel controls userform vba



您可以通过 Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(vbNullString) 轻松“清除”您的 UserForm Image 控件(例如 Image1) .在下面的示例中,您将在单击命令按钮时在显示定义的图片和显示空控件之间切换。为了控制图像状态(是否为空),您可以通过 If Image1.Picture Is Nothing Then 检查图像图片属性。 ...
用户表单模块 (Excel) 中的代码示例

Option Explicit

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' Purpose: Change view between given image and no image
Dim sImgName As String                     ' picture name string
sImgName = "C:\Temp\MyPicture.gif""        ' <<< choose your picture name"
With Me.Image1
  If .Picture Is Nothing Then             ' picture property has been cleared already
     .Picture = LoadPicture(sImgName)
  Else                                    ' a picture is already displayed
     .Picture = LoadPicture(vbNullString) ' clear it now
  End If
End With
End Sub
在 MS Access 中使用的提示
请注意 MS Access 中重复 @DrMarbuse 的评论作为后期编辑的不同用途:

In Access 2010, the picture is directly set by the image path. So LoadPicture() shall not be used anymore (In Excel it is required). Everything stayed the same and worked like a charm.

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