vba - Excel将列转换为行

标签 vba excel

我有一个大的 Excel 表(大约 150 列 x 7000 行并且每天都在增长),但需要以更好的方式提取信息。
我无法访问数据库软件,只有 Excel。
我已经设法使用普通公式获得了我想要的结果,但是文件大小几乎是 100mB(最初是 4mB)并且不可行 - 它太慢了。
我是 VBA 新手,所以我在这里尝试了一些示例来尝试学习,但目前大多数对我来说都太复杂了。
理论上,“Convert row with columns of data into column with multiple rows in Excel”看起来可以部分解决我的问题,但我就是无法让它运行!虽然我可以看到模块中的代码,但当我按下运行按钮时,它并没有出现在宏列表中。

Name1   Name2   Location    Subject1    Subject2    Subject3
Fred    Jones   England     Spanish     Maths       English
Peter   Brown   Germany     English     (empty)     Maths
Erik    Strong  Sweden      Chemistry   English     Biology

要求的结果 -
Name1   Name2   Location    No.         Type    
Fred    Jones   England     Subject1    Spanish 
Fred    Jones   England     Subject2    Maths   
Fred    Jones   England     Subject3    English 
Peter   Brown   Germany     Subject1    English 
Peter   Brown   Germany     Subject3    Maths   
Erik    Strong  Sweden      Subject1    Chemistry   
Erik    Strong  Sweden      Subject2    English 
Erik    Strong  Sweden      Subject3    Biology 



我想分享一个我经常使用的脚本。当您希望每个事务、事件等在单独的行上时,当您在一行上有多个事务、事件等时使用它。它采用包含相同数据类型的列(例如 Subject1、Subject2、Subject3...),并且需要跨多行组合成一列(例如 Subject)。


Name   Location   Subject1   Subject2   Subject3

Name   Location   Subject1
Name   Location   Subject2
Name   Location   Subject3

Option Explicit

Sub MatrixConverter2_2()

' Macro created 11/16/2005 by Peter T Oboyski (updated 8/24/2006)
' *** Substantial changes made by Chris Brackett (updated 8/3/2016) ***
' You are welcome to redistribute this macro, but if you make substantial
' changes to it, please indicate so in this section along with your name.
' This Macro converts matrix-type spreadsheets (eg. plot x species data) into column data
' The new (converted) spreadsheet name is "DB of 'name of active spreadsheet'"
' The conversion allows for multiple header rows and columns.

' This section declares variables for use in the script

Dim book, head, cels, mtrx, dbase, v, UserReady, columnsToCombine, RowName, DefaultRowName, DefaultColName1, DefaultColName2, ColName As String
Dim defaultHeaderRows, defaultHeaderColumns, c, r, selectionCols, ro, col, newro, newcol, rotot, coltot, all, rowz, colz, tot As Long
Dim headers(100) As Variant
Dim dun As Boolean

' This section sets the script defaults

defaultHeaderRows = 1
defaultHeaderColumns = 2

DefaultRowName = "Activity"

' This section asks about data types, row headers, and column headers

UserReady = MsgBox("Have you selected the entire data set (not the column headers) to be converted?", vbYesNoCancel)
If UserReady = vbNo Or UserReady = vbCancel Then GoTo EndMatrixMacro

all = MsgBox("Exclude zeros and empty cells?", vbYesNoCancel)
If all = vbCancel Then GoTo EndMatrixMacro

rowz = 1
' rowz = InputBox("How many HEADER ROWS?" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "(Usually 1)", "Header Rows & Columns", defaultHeaderRows)
' If rowz = vbNullString Then GoTo EndMatrixMacro

colz = InputBox("How many HEADER COLUMNS?" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "(These are the columns on the left side of your data set to preserve as is.)", "Header Rows & Columns", defaultHeaderColumns)
If colz = vbNullString Then GoTo EndMatrixMacro

' This section allows the user to provide field (column) names for the new spreadsheet

selectionCols = Selection.Columns.Count ' get the number of columns in the selection
For r = 1 To selectionCols
    headers(r) = Selection.Cells(1, r).Offset(rowOffset:=-1, columnOffset:=0).Value ' save the column headers to use as defaults for user provided names
Next r

colz = colz * 1
columnsToCombine = "'" & Selection.Cells(1, colz + 1).Offset(rowOffset:=-1, columnOffset:=0).Value & "' to '" & Selection.Cells(1, selectionCols).Offset(rowOffset:=-1, columnOffset:=0).Value & "'"

Dim Arr(20) As Variant
newcol = 1
For r = 1 To rowz
    If r = 1 Then RowName = DefaultRowName
    Arr(newcol) = InputBox("Field name for the fields/columns to be combined" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & columnsToCombine, , RowName)
    If Arr(newcol) = vbNullString Then GoTo EndMatrixMacro
    newcol = newcol + 1
For c = 1 To colz
    ColName = headers(c)
    Arr(newcol) = InputBox("Field name for column " & c, , ColName)
    If Arr(newcol) = vbNullString Then GoTo EndMatrixMacro
    newcol = newcol + 1
Arr(newcol) = "Data"
v = newcol

' This section creates the new spreadsheet, names it, and color codes the new worksheet tab

mtrx = ActiveSheet.Name
Sheets.Add After:=ActiveSheet
dbase = "DB of " & mtrx

' If the proposed worksheet name is longer than 28 characters, truncate it to 29 characters.
    If Len(dbase) > 28 Then dbase = Left(dbase, 28)

' This section checks if the proposed worksheet name
'  already exists and appends adds a sequential number
'  to the name
    Dim sheetExists As Variant
    Dim Sheet As Worksheet
    Dim iName As Integer

    Dim dbaseOld As String
    dbaseOld = dbase    ' save the original proposed name of the new worksheet

    iName = 0

    sheetExists = False

    For Each Sheet In Worksheets    ' loop through every worksheet in the workbook
        If dbase = Sheet.Name Then
            sheetExists = True
            iName = iName + 1
            dbase = Left(dbase, Len(dbase) - 1) & " " & iName
            GoTo CheckWorksheetNames
            ' Exit For
        End If
    Next Sheet

' This section notify the user if the proposed
' worksheet name is already being used and the new
' worksheet was given an alternate name

    If sheetExists = True Then
        MsgBox "The worksheet '" & dbaseOld & "' already exists.  Renaming to '" & dbase & "'."
    End If

' This section creates and names a new worksheet
    On Error Resume Next    'Ignore errors
        If Sheets("" & Range(dbase) & "") Is Nothing Then   ' If the worksheet name doesn't exist
            ActiveSheet.Name = dbase    ' Rename newly created worksheet
            MsgBox "Cannot name the worksheet '" & dbase & "'.  A worksheet with that name already exists."
            GoTo EndMatrixMacro
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0         ' Resume normal error handling

    Sheets(dbase).Tab.ColorIndex = 41 ' color the worksheet tab

' This section turns off screen and calculation updates so that the script
' can run faster.  Updates are turned back on at the end of the script.
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'This section determines how many rows and columns the matrix has

dun = False
rotot = rowz + 1
    If (Sheets(mtrx).Cells(rotot, 1) > 0) Then
        rotot = rotot + 1
        dun = True
    End If
Loop Until dun
rotot = rotot - 1

dun = False
coltot = colz + 1
    If (Sheets(mtrx).Cells(1, coltot) > 0) Then
        coltot = coltot + 1
        dun = True
    End If
Loop Until dun
coltot = coltot - 1

'This section writes the new field names to the new spreadsheet

For newcol = 1 To v
    Sheets(dbase).Cells(1, newcol) = Arr(newcol)

'This section actually does the conversion

tot = 0
newro = 2
For col = (colz + 1) To coltot
    For ro = (rowz + 1) To rotot 'the next line determines if data are nonzero
        If ((Sheets(mtrx).Cells(ro, col) <> 0) Or (all <> 6)) Then   'DCB modified ">0" to be "<>0" to exclude blank and zero cells
            tot = tot + 1
            newcol = 1
            For r = 1 To rowz            'the next line copies the row headers
                Sheets(dbase).Cells(newro, newcol) = Sheets(mtrx).Cells(r, col)
                newcol = newcol + 1
            For c = 1 To colz         'the next line copies the column headers
                Sheets(dbase).Cells(newro, newcol) = Sheets(mtrx).Cells(ro, c)
                newcol = newcol + 1
            Next                                'the next line copies the data
            Sheets(dbase).Cells(newro, newcol) = Sheets(mtrx).Cells(ro, col)
            newro = newro + 1
        End If

'This section displays a message box with information about the conversion

book = "Original matrix = " & ActiveWorkbook.Name & ": " & mtrx & Chr(10)
head = "Matrix with " & rowz & " row headers and " & colz & " column headers" & Chr(10)
cels = tot & " cells of " & ((rotot - rowz) * (coltot - colz)) & " with data"

' This section turns screen and calculation updates back ON.
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

MsgBox (book & head & cels)

' This is an end point for the macro


End Sub

关于vba - Excel将列转换为行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26633363/


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